The few does not equal the whole

Unless we are talking about inanimate objects like guns

Then we change the rules.

Yes...you are tard tapping right
true and irrelevant

what does that have to do with non-IS muslims sexually assaulting non-muslim euros

or christians being more dangerous than muslims
What does any of this have to do with rednecks in a building in Oregon?

I'm supposed to be on-topic with your off-topic tangent?
And here I thought the Oregon rednecks would be ducking and evading fire

So far only LouCy is

Wonder what new excuses he still has left to fabricate

Points he has left to dodge
islam isn't compatible with western civilization, or any actual civilization for that matter. muslim's are much more likely to be radicalized because their religion grants them the freedom to accept islamic virtues over modern law.

I agree, Islam is not compatible with modern civilization when fanatically adhered to by it's teachings. Neither is Christianity or Judaism or most every other religion. I believe in time all religions will fade, they are all fairytales and impede free thinking. that being said, I don't trust our politicians who are using very small events to scare us into giving up our rights. Donald Trump in my opinion is pissing all over the constitution and is a domestic enemy (as is most of our politicians)

you have 4 daughters. muslims treat women like absolute trash. they are second or third rate citizens and even property because thats what their religion dictates. if one of your daughters gets sexually assaulted by one of these barbarians, are you going to sit back and say, "well their religion does say that they can rape and murder an infidel female because they have the freedom of religion."

The Bible has similar evils condoned in certain situations, adultery, beating slaves, sleeping with daughters etc. Fortunately our federal laws prohibit acting on them because our constitutionally granted rights (including religion) end when they infringe others rights (victims). That being said, anyone does anything like these atrocities to my daughters, I will not wait for due process, that is a promise.

its not fear for myself, its fear for future generations. White euro countries are being systematically destroyed. its no conspiracy, its really happening. after europe has been overrun, what's next? we're already importing these savages by the cargo load full. the media would have you believe that its women and children escaping war. when in all reality it's 70% males 18-30 from north africa and syria and we have no way of vetting who they say they are.

I worry about this too, not the white part, but the systematic restructuring of how the governments work but I believe there is an architect(s) behind all this who are enabling this crap for profit somehow.

keep your head in the dirt breh

i suppose ill defend your daughters since you and vanster will be familiar slaves for the muddy invader horde.

When the time comes, I will welcome your help.

the last White hero

Great Thread, Only TW can have this kind of discourse.
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this is what, the 3rd or 4th time someone has used the argument about christianity's past to deflect islam's current human atrocities

it's not our fault that islam is stuck in the 1300s. its not our fault that they still fanatically adhere to principles that are ancient and barbaric. its not our fault that they refuse to ally against our foreign aggression and subversion. its not our fault they kill non-muslims for reward.

we need to understand terrorism? i'm pretty sure the canadian's and german's that ate a load of ball bearings and shrapnel from a suicide bomber the other day understand it quite well. much more than any sjw for that matter.

you want us to fight amongst ourselves, tear down the society we built, and arrest the "shady bankers and lawmakers"? who's going to do that fighting? you? loucypher's cats? while White women are being assaulted for not being muslim you want us to look inward and try to understand foreign invaders rather than call a spade a spade and remove them before they do any more damage than they've already done.

the middle east was destabilized long before america existed and will be long after america is destroyed by undesirable shitskin apologists like you.

i hope there is a great time of reckoning during my life. people like you will be the first to bleed.

again, read my post for context. i did not say we need to fight against ourselves. derpa fucking derp derp derp.
you don't need to agree with someone to understand them.

i can say, i don't understand many of you fellow TWer's worldviews. i'd like to understand your worldviews. would you like to understand mine?

consider this keenly before responding.
Points he has left to dodge
I've dodged nothing. I'm not defending adherents of any religion. I'm arguing against the fallacy of punishing an entire group for the actions of a few.

There are almost 2 billion Muslims in the world, and most of them aren't chopping off heads or blowing themselves up for 72 virgins. We've got almost 3 million of them in the US already.

If they're such a threat here, why are most mass shooters white male infidels? Was McVeigh, Rudolf, or Kazinski a Muslim?
I've dodged nothing. I'm not defending adherents of any religion. I'm arguing against the fallacy of punishing an entire group for the actions of a few.

There are almost 2 billion Muslims in the world, and most of them aren't chopping off heads or blowing themselves up for 72 virgins. We've got almost 3 million of them in the US already.

If they're such a threat here, why are most mass shooters white male infidels? Was McVeigh, Rudolf, or Kazinski a Muslim?
How do YOU know this?

Lots of people are killed/murdered everyday yet you have some kind of information that says that not all Muslims are like this. You say close to 2 billion of these cocksuckers are on this planet but, what if 25% of them agree with slaughtering or forcing everyone to become Muslim or, else? That is a shit ton of people, dude.
I've dodged nothing. I'm not defending adherents of any religion. I'm arguing against the fallacy of punishing an entire group for the actions of a few.

There are almost 2 billion Muslims in the world, and most of them aren't chopping off heads or blowing themselves up for 72 virgins. We've got almost 3 million of them in the US already.

If they're such a threat here, why are most mass shooters white male infidels? Was McVeigh, Rudolf, or Kazinski a Muslim?

if you argue the fallacy of something but fail to provide any sort of reasonable argument or statistical analysis that backs up your position then its rightfully ignored

there are 2.2 billion christians worldwide, if what you're saying is true, they should be absurdly higher than muslims in terrorist crimes. even by capita they aren't on the same page as muslim extremist violence, they aren't even in the same fucking book.

christians, as delusional as they are, moved on from their barbaric past. meanwhile, muslims are destroying europe and people like you are claiming that women who go out alone deserved to be raped by these foreign invaders.

i'm not sure what women did to you in high school, i'm sure it was traumatic, but they don't deserve rape. exercise your demons w/ a therapist, not innocent women who don't want any part of sharia.
Wtf Samuwell, I know you are not that dumb. 25%? my guess is less than one percent. You are trying to outdumb lou?

Lou, yes most mass shooters in America are white, but worldwide Muslims by far. How pissed off do you think the Fanatical Muslims are that they can't keep up the pace against emo kids?
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Wtf Samuwell, I know you are not that dumb. 25%? my guess is less than one percent. You are trying to outdumb lou?

Lou, yes most mass shooters in America are white, but worldwide Muslims by far. How pissed off do you think the Fanatical Muslims are that they can't keep up the pace against emo kids?

why are Whites the only people deemed mass shooter?

when a nigger eliminates his entire gang rival. is that not a mass shooting? is he not a serial killer?

we label Whites terrible things because it's an anomaly when we commit heinous, un-explainable acts.

when that nigger in chicago opened up on a black crowd because they were gang rivals families, the media said that was a random act of gang violence. it was just as premeditated as any "mass shooting" Whites have committed.

the hypocrisy is depressing and statistics don't lie.

Black people committed close to 16% of the mass shooting Mother Jones looked at, while Asians were responsible for around 9%. People identified as either Latino, Native American and unknown rounded out the study.

"If you look at the whole list, it turns out that whites and blacks are pretty proportionate to their population, very close," said Dave Cullen, author of the book "Columbine," which tells the story of the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. Harris and Klebold, the shooters there, were white.

from commie central

lou is a shithead

also because he's so god damn stupid, i'll answer directly: whites commit the most mass murders in america cuz whites are the majority. an individual white male isn't necessarily more likely to go out and commit a mass murder. u watch too much tv, lou, you dimwitted fat fuck.
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Wtf Samuwell, I know you are not that dumb. 25%? my guess is less than one percent.
There is a total difference between a Jihadist and a fundamentalist. Fundamentalism is rampant amongst Islamic followers and the only thing that differentiates between the two is the willing to act violently on their belief. Most of the Muslims we see on the planet are in fact fundamentalist and raping women is the norm in their religion. When they become Jihadists is when they kill/blow up otherwise normal fucking people but raping women is such the norm they have a word for it: ‘Taharrush’.

Here - just watch as this women is dragged into fucking HELL because you want to protect 'brown skinned people'. If i were there, i would kill every single one of them that i was physically able too.

The idea of what progressives call a 'moderate Muslim' is total bullshit.

please watch this video from the so called moderate Muslim and then respond.

There is no such thing! Get it out of your head. They are here to dominate, destroy and demand you bow to their God.