Here's a Joe Biden thread to offset the Palin threads!


Veteran X
So he spoke in my hometown of Rochester, NH on Monday: - Dover NH, Rochester NH, Portsmouth NH, Laconia NH, Sanford ME

Key points:

1) He says he and Obama will invest $15 billion/year in renewable energy

2) They will look into doubling home heating assistance for struggling families

3) They will assure that all Americans get a health care plan similar to plans offered to members of Congress

4) He pledged to lower taxes for 95% of American citizens

Now then, where the fuck are they gonna get the money for all that? Not to mention Nancy Pelosi is already chomping at the bit to throw billions more at the financial bailout as soon as Obama takes office...on top of the hundreds of billions already spent. Doesn't take a mathematician to figure this out: it's impossible. People were sucking it right up, though!

5) Stealing a few words from George H.W. Bush, he said "Read my lips: we will end this war. Enough is enough!"

That's right...they want to pull right out of Iraq, at a time when major progress has been made. What a good idea! Let's just leave now, and let the country collapse, and become a lawless haven for terrorists. That will really help our country repair it's credibility and reputation! One reason our military is spread so thin [in addition to the Iraq war] is because Clinton made drastic cuts while he was in office. Obama/Biden will do the same.

We all know the Iraq war was bullshit, but that point is moot now. We did it, and now we have to follow through. You have to be pretty damn simple to think otherwise.

We all know the Iraq war was bullshit, but that point is moot now. We did it, and now we have to follow through. You have to be pretty damn simple to think otherwise.


Agreed. We can't let Iraq turn into Afghanistan.
Pulling out of Iraq would make the most sense, then you nuke it from orbit.

/Obama wants to pull out of Iraq and insert his black cock into Pakistan.
We either pull out, or stay and make the sand niggers pay us back for all the money we spent. Wait, they're still to busy bombing each other to even want a true government... So yes, pull out.
because ending the war means pulling out absolutely.

It couldn't possibly mean making sure the Iraqi forces are stepping up and taking over at a timed rate or getting other NATO and UN partners to get their forces to replace US battalions. Oh no... couldn't possibly mean that.

and as far at Clinton cutting the Military...ummm.... actually..
Post-Cold War Defense Spending Cuts: A Bipartisan Decision

There is almost no difference between the level of funding proposed for defense by President Bush in his last fiscal year (FY) 1994-99 budget plan and the level of funding actually provided for defense over this six-year period under the Clinton Administration. Both Bush planned funding and actual funding amounted to $1.72 trillion (in FY 2001 dollars).

SecDef Histories - Richard Cheney
The DoD budget faced Cheney with his most immediate and pressing problem when he came to the Pentagon. President Bush had already said publicly that the proposed FY 1990 Defense budget of more than $300 billion had to be cut immediately by $6.3 billion, and soon after Cheney began work the president increased the amount to $10 billion. Cheney recognized the necessity of cutting the budget and downsizing the military establishment, but he favored a cautious approach.