Random sounds that you find comforting

I used to spend a lot of time in northern Wisconsin. The sound of frogs and crickets is amazing. And a loon? Spectacular. I find the sound of an approaching thunderstorm to be relaxing as well.

the disc launcher spin noise
the hum of a big engine on the highway
the sound of a house late at night
the slow pant of a dog
The intro of Metallica - Orion
When I used to work 2nd shift I would still get up early in the morning so I’d try to take a couple of hours to nap before going in.

Luckily that was when Bob Ross would come on TV. Id last maybe 15 minutes before I was out.
Damn - I have an aluminium roof and it's like living inside a steel drum being beaten by drugged out Jamaicans.
Not too peaceful tbh

I do like the swishing sound of stockings when a woman crosses (uncrosses) her legs.
I will see metal roof and raise u coqui frogs both at the same time. Here in Puna that's every night. Drives my chick nuts; I have to tranquilize her so she doesn't close the windows.
fruit bats... add fruit bats and overhanging trees into the mix with shit dropping onto the metal roof. Goddam I hate those fucking nasty screechy things