i fucking hate israel

i was actually really excited to visit petra in jordan, and when i got there i was so disgusted by how the government allows such grotesque displays of begging and vagrants peddling nonsensical souvenirs all over a unesco world heritage site and one of the wonders of the world.

it was really disgusting. a snot nosed two year old in a diaper ran up to me and tried to sell me postcards. when i said no he just started crying and ran away.

really i need to deal with this shit? israel would never let such shit happen at the holiest sites. never.

Israel isn't all bad. Its the killing and oppression of innocents as well as skirting all kinds of basic human rights that gets people riled up against it.
The billions we give them ever year could be better spent stabilizing our own economy, researching technologies to reduce oil dependency, etc...
Palestinians have it worse because they insistantly refuse to cease to fucking with the wrong people.


Hamas =/= Palestinians.

When the States, Canada, Germany, Italy and the other NATO countries forces fight in Afghanistan, they take care to not harm civilians. It is not always the case, since accidents do happen. However, if there are Taliban in the area, and a civilian, they do their best to not glass the whole fucking place, because the INNOCENT civilian might be harmed in some way.

There have been many reports of Israeli soldiers shooting and killing civilians when there was no present threat. This includes foreigners (Europeans, North Americans, etc).
Israel bombards and attacks areas filled with civilians.

That is why people hate Israel. 2 of my closest friends are Jewish, so don't think I have some unfounded hate for Israel.
One of my Palestinian friends had some of her family (we are talking sub 10 year old kids) killed.
You tell me where the sense is in all that?
There are literally hundreds of videos on youtube showing Israeli soldiers harming Palestinian civilians.
having jewish friends does not somehow make you more in-the-know than your average redneck

that being said, israel knows how to fight a war

you bombed a bus? cool. we're gonna annihilate a village.

is it right? no. of course not. but they'll win.

and history gets written by the winners.
Rockets have killed 28 Israelis.

Year Total
2001 1
2004 5
2005 6
2006 4
2007 2
2008 8
2009 None
2010 1


Operation Cast Lead: December 27, 2008 (2008-12-27) – January 18, 2009

Palestinian combatants 330/375*
Palestinian non-combatants 762
Women 107
Minors/Children 318
Police officers 248

Palestinian TOTAL 1385
it used to :)
anyway faggotrabbit didnt address any of my questions and seems to have abandoned the thread
just like his god abandoned his people
and here come the retards thinking they know anything even though they've never left the states!

rusty and tachikomapilot = two confirmed fucking morons on the same side

and here come the retards thinking they know anything even though they've never left the states!

rusty and tachikomapilot = two confirmed fucking morons on the same side


lol did my observation make you an angry little boy? awww...
Maybe you should learn to read first before posting.
Also try watching the news/reading a newspaper some time.
* Palestinians are under Military Law and face the constant threat of arrest and detention without charge and can be held indefinitely. They have no right to representation or trial. Israelis living in illegal settlements on Palestinian land have all the privileges of Israeli Civil Law. As citizens of Israel, they can vote, seek redress in court, and have freedom of speech and assembly.

* Palestinian villages and towns face collective punishment in the form of bulldozing of family houses, extended 24 hour curfews, closures, military raids, violence and harassment. Israeli settlers face no such collective

* Palestinian land ownership (agricultural and residential) is subject to military and economic confiscation. The purpose is to establish Jewish only settlements, take water resources and confine the Palestinian population into smaller and smaller cantons. Israelis face no land confiscation.

* Over 17,000 Palestinian houses have been demolished, creating 100,000 of thousands homeless. Over a million Palestinian olive and fruit trees have been uprooted. A few Israeli outposts have been dismantled, but there has been no
widespread destruction of Israeli homes and trees.

* Palestinians are prohibited from using the extensive network of settler only highways that connect the settlements to Israel.

* Palestinian workers employed in settlement industrial zones receive only the sweatshop-like minimum wage mandated by Jordanian law in 1967. In the settlements,
Israeli workers receive all the rights and benefits of Israeli employment law including a much larger minimum-wage.

* The Israeli military authority controls virtually all the water in the West Bank. 73% of West Bank water is piped back to Israel. Illegal Jewish settlers use 10% of West Bank water. Palestinians have access to only 17% of their own water and must buy it from Israel at 4 times the price Israelis pay.

* The wall fragments Palestinian communities; it separates families from their land, their livelihood, health care and schools. The wall also divides communities and families from each other. The wall does not fragment Israeli settlements; it is built in such a way to as to annex them to Israel proper.
and here come the retards thinking they know anything even though they've never left the states!

rusty and tachikomapilot = two confirmed fucking morons on the same side


I've lived in 5 different countries for extended periods of time (average of 4 years per country). I've visited over 20 countries. I speak 5 languages.
I have (real - not internet)good friends in almost every single country in the world.
I hope my 'credentials' satisfy you...as if it mattered.

While I have never been to Israel, I make sure to read up on as much as I can so that I am somewhat in the know how.
All my knowledge of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is from external sources, since I've never been there myself. I would assume the same for you. Many of these sources say what I have written:
Israeli gets a scratch every now and then. Palestine loses hundreds of civilians for no valid reason.
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Nelson Mandela said...
“injustice and gross human rights violations were being perpetrated in Palestine. In the same period the U% took a strong stand against apartheid; which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians”. 1997

Desmond Tutu said...
“If you change the names, the description of what is happening in the Gaza Strip and the west bank would be a description of what is happening in the Gaza Strip and the west bank would be a description of what is happening in South Africa". 1989

Palestinians are ghettoized in 12 percent of their original territory. The West Bank is divided up into 70 isolated cantons with no physical movement without Israel permission.
There are over 500 military check points where Palestinians often wait hours, and must have ID cards and passes just to travel short distances. Israeli settlers can travel easily on Israeli-only roads.