For the one other guy still playing - Server transfers on 6/12


Veteran XV
One way, single destination, go or dont go. They're basically dividing up all the low pop servers into pods, and one server per pod gets to be the destination for all transfers off the other servers in the pod.

They're MAKING high pop servers. So no one is going be transferring to The Fatman, it looks like. No word on what servers are destinations, or even what servers will be in the same group sharing a destination.

STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Character Transfer - dev response summary TL;DR version
God damn that's a big list.

I don't see Shadow Hand on there anywhere. I know we're medium pop, it'd be nice if we got picked as a destination server at some point.
I just resubb'd for a month to goof around and it's pretty fun... with all the server transfers it's just like launch with tons of people playing all the time.

And I made a friend that keeps crafting me a bunch of awesome epic gear as I level, so that's cool too I guess.
roughly 900 people on during peak last night on just the fleet on prophecy of the five. Nice to see so many people active. I'm interested to see how the large population changes the different aspects of the game (questing/pvp/economics....etc).

I might even roll a new char now that my jugg is fully geared and there isn't much left to do with him.

Excel hit 60 one of these days will ya? :)
I am thinking about starting a new character on Prophecy of the Five. The problem is that I don't seem to be very good at this game (I'm having to do most story missions at the recommended level, and most people seem to be getting through them a couple of levels early) and I'd rather not get buttraped nonstop in a PvP environment. Also, Lord Edofnor McDouble is endearing himself to me.
I'm making a new guy on Pof5 now; I will not be an inquisitor again. I probably won't get to reuse my name, so I'll make a new post with that. Unnecessary posts will make this forum look more alive.
It looks like the names are allowed to be duplicated across the servers. I am now Edofnor, level 1 bounty hunter on the Party of Five server.
I added Exalt to my friends list. I'm still on Dromund Kaas -- I probably won't be getting my ship for another day or two (leveling is much faster than it was with the inquisitor)