Holy fucking shit, as if I needed any more reasons to stay out of the US

TrojanMan421 a yuge WYTE TRASH fukn pussy d00 b tinkn streetervill in north side o chitcago 2 wutta dumfuk pussycuck needn him fukn teef slappt dafuq out him wyte trash fukn hed n m0uf smdh lol :jester:
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Isn't Flint in Michigan, with all that fresh water? Why do I keep hearing stories about how fucked up their water supply is then? Surely this is a simple thing to solve for the greatest state in the union?

Yes. Flint is about 2 hours south of me. Their water is still fucked up is why. Their water was fine. Then to save shekels they switched to getting water from a river that is well known to be polluted due to industry. Flint is also full of niggers. Niggers dont pay their water bill. Water co shut their water off. Old pipes rotted. Water came back on and water is even more fucked. Long story short niggers and democrats will fuck anything up with ease.

All the whites and smart folks live up here (excluding Traverse City aka fuck that liberal shithole). If it were up to me I'd sell everything south of Standish to Ohio. Nothing of value would be lost.

EDIT: If you wanna buy some liberals and niggers lets make a deal.
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After paying a mortgage that has sucked up the main part of my income for the last 25 years and still having 20 years to pay off in full, I would certainly consider a few bouts of anal to be a bargain in comparison.

slavery is real
so the difference of a nigger and being smart is to take it in the ass for a house instead of welfare. got it.

It's ok. You can hate. I don't mind one little bit.
