[E-Cigs] Fucking awesome

^^^ I've heard of people trying and it not working, although I don't see why someone couldn't make it work, The problem is how many smokers are going to waste all of the pot experimenting.
I havent had a cig since I went in the ER. Dec 8th. I never really called myself addicted, I would smoke 1 or two a day. I dont smoke at home. So If I was off and wouldnt go anywhere, I didnt smoke.

I was a smoker for 10 yrs. I still got a brand new pack in my car.

Ive been hinting for Stoner to quit, but he doesnt seem like he wants to. He tried once or twice. I even bought him kits, but it didnt last long. He is at least a pack/day person I think. So much $$$ to save.
hmm Ive been wanting to quit. I smoke like 10-15 a day. On the weekend I can go through 2 packs a night if Im drinking with my friends/at the bars.
^^^ I've heard of people trying and it not working, although I don't see why someone couldn't make it work, The problem is how many smokers are going to waste all of the pot experimenting.

Ecigs are probably set at the wrong temperature to vaporize THC (185° C/365° F)
Nicotine vaporizes at a much lower temperature. They need to make a temperature adjustable ecig.
Good to see some new info about these. I was considering them a while back and had another thread going which died. With these bitches getting close to $5 a pack and the smoking bans getting more widespread I'm starting to look again.
ok 2 packs is exaggerating, but I smoke twice as much when im drinking. And yes, that generally means that smoking would make me smell like cigarettes sherlock
speaking of cigarettes, how bad is second had smoke for you? i started a new job and the guy i ride with smokes about 6-9 a day.
Before New Years I was smoking about a pack of Camel Lights a day. I have not had a cigarette in 11 days.

I have been using an electronic cigarette (vaporizes liquid nicotine) for a little over a week now. The first few days I went cold turkey and it was really fucking shit-tastic. But, since I started smoking this e-cig I haven't had a single craving for a cigarette. I just jam this thing in my pocket, and so far I've survived sitting in traffic and drinking at a bar.

This thing is pretty fucking amazing, I highly recommend it to anyone whose resolution was to quit smoking.

where did you get yours, i have been seriously trying to find a decent place to get one
drink a lot of water the first few weeks. they dry you out a bit at first.
FDA says they are 1000 times safer then regular cigs, but they don't say they are healthy