got a big green egg

I fired up the weber this arvo, coconut briquettes. Seared them direct over the coals for a bit then put them in the middle and threw the lid on for 10. Threw in a few chunks of Ti Tree for added smoke (which I didn't like much tbh)

steaks were cooked el perfecto though

no pics cos we just ate it all and I'm not a woman or food blogger

Reading that again it sounds like I just ate some coconut briquettes for dinner

ha ha how mad is that

I had steak lol
BGEs are fun.

Looks like (as mentioned) you are not getting hot enough temps to create a crust.

Also, I would not bother with it for a pizza. Recently picked up a 'Modernist Cuisine' Pizza Steel. Have used it both in the BBQ and the Oven and get a great char.

A few interesting things to do in the BGE - Roma tomatoes (gutted and salted) - smoke till 1/2 to 3/4 dehydrated - unreal in salad dressings and pizza toppings. You can also smoke your own cheeses in it, make smoked butter (sounds odd, but is fantastic).

Get that pink ring a bit thicker!
got a big green egg as a wedding gift, getting it delivered next week. no clue how to use it. send help.
i've thrown coconut shells on the coals, but i've never seen coconut briquettes

need more aznpacific marts in my area
I finally got some bark, pretty sure the thermometer is off so I've been cooking too low. Need to invest in a better one.

Big Green Wireless Awesome Cookie Rep Boner Controller and Siri/Alexa/Cortana DD Envy Machine
any recommendations?

There are better units out there, but the Maverick brand I bought still works well years later. Regardless of which you buy, get extra probes as they will fail and it sucks to not have a backup on hand during a long smoke. Get the extra long wires (6').

Also recommend getting an instant read thermometer. Thermopop or something similar. Between the dual probe and the instant read you will never have to guess as to whether something is done.