Tribes 20th Anniversary Weekend

Cool congrats on your success skillz. We used to play every day from 00 to 02 on pubs. You were definitely great for the game regardless of what else may have gone on.

Are you living in vegas? I've been here (vegas) close to 10 years now. I dont see this lan happening with whole teams showing up, but some kind of celebration would be cool.


<3 hey man!!!!!! No but Surefire is buying a house in Vegas this fall if things go out way next week or if not next week- sooner than later :) Appreficate the post.

We are trying for the reunion LAN but interest has to be there for me to pay for it all and the prize- in a big way. If not? I am going to try and get -W- to all meet in Vegas for the weekend, and anyone else who wants to come meet us, and have a good time for a few days and nights. 20 years later, one last LAN would be amazing.

We have time still its not August yet. I need 5150 and S3 and Sticks and POE and the other old guys to be interested. I know they talk like -W- still, but I have no clue who is even alive or dead, or able to. Still worth a shot to try <3

I will be on the cast no matter what and -W- Vegas reunion is a go no matter what :) <3 sKILLz
Hey everyone, this is DeathHavoc from =S3=, =V=, and -W-. It's probably been over 15 years since I've posted anything on TW but I've always checked back every few years to see what's been going on in the community.

It's pretty amazing that there is still a core group of people trying to keep the spirit of Tribes alive and to recapture some of the thrill that we had when we played it. It's really amazing how people still remember each other and the various events that happened back then, even some 15-20 years later. Big props to the folks who have gone out of their way to document/recollect the history of things to an extent and to try to extend the life of Tribes.

I hope that if a 20th anniversary event does end up happening, that it won't get marred by bickering and pointing of fingers at each other. The past is the past. All the drama that happened has happened but doesn't need to continue to happen. At this point, why hold onto grudges? I hated the guts of 5150 back in the days but when I think back to those times, I can only think highly of them for giving me some of the most intense competitive experiences of my life. Ideally the point of any type of 20th anniversary is to have some type of celebration, fun, and/or reflection, whether it be at some LAN somewhere, some podcast chats, online scrims, etc., whatever the hell it ends up being.

In the spirit of not giving a crap about any drama that happened two decades ago, I really have no reason to hide anything about what I saw playing with and against some of the great teams from back then. Really, feel free to ask me anything about any of the things that happened with =S3=, =V=, -W-, or anything that happened that era and I will be fully transparent to the extent of my memory on anything that happened. (I'll answer whenever I get the chance to.)

Because a lot of this thread has shifted focus toward what sKILLz has (or hasn't) done, I'll be happy to tell my account of what it was like playing with him. While I can't give any insider accounts for anything that happened during his time with NuTz, what I can vouch for is the time I spent playing with him in -W-.

Like many other folks are responding here, I was actually initially quite suspicious of sKILLz' history of having played for NuTz considering all the stuff that happened with them in the past (like happy flag, and if I remember correctly, I believe some of us at =S3= had felt that a member of NuTz had joined =S3= as a recruit to be an insider for several weeks). However there was a certain measure of respect that you could still have for players that you may have suspected of cheating, simply because there are certain aspects of playing Tribes competitively at the highest levels that supersede any benefits you would get from the cheats that I knew existed back then. Furthermore, both at the time and in hindsight, it was really hard to pinpoint for certain who exactly on a team known for cheats actually used them. (As it was really easy to jump to a conclusion that everyone on NuTz used happy flag, when I really can't say for sure if that was the case.)

While I don't remember any exact specific reason I decided to play with -W-, I remember it being a combination of: (1) gaining a level of comfort playing with their players via pubs/scrims, (2) being confident of their talent level and comfortable with their personalities, and (3) seeking to play with a mixup of players that had already played at a high level. Beforehand I had tried for a few weeks to work something out playing with THB, but as the sole =S3= player on the team, I had really gotten sick of all the crap that the [IE]/5150 players were saying about =S3= versus what I saw at the time as a lot of mutual kissing of each other's asses between their two teams, when all I really cared about was playing with a solid team. (Unfortunate, because I was really looking forward to the chance to see what it was like to play with more [IE] and 5150, as I'd gotten along well with and played with some of their other players, like DaBomb, AutoMaG, Special, Bourbon, WarNipple, etc.)

In my time with -W-, I believe I played in at least 15-20 matches with them. During that time, I didn't suspect that anyone was cheating on the team. What I remember about playing with sKILLz is that the talent he demonstrated regularly in pubs was legitimate and was at a high enough level that couldn't be explained with cheats — the intangible of having an immense situational awareness of what was going on in the flow of a competition to consistently know what the most important thing to do at a given moment was — was something that you only get a real good feel of from the best players in the game. In hindsight, it's not really surprising that as a part of his leadership with NuTz, their team was one of the (if not THE) first teams to popularize the concept of clusterfucking, as succeeding at that type of play is really dependent on maintaining strong situational awareness in what essentially is a clusterfuck (thus the name).

In being in a shared chat channel with him during competitions, you also see a lot of the leadership he brought both in-game and out-of-game that really rallied a team together, though at many times from the outside, could be seen as pretty abrasive. It's really a classic case of a type of leader that you love to have on your team but hate their guts when they're on another team. Really, all it really was was a leadership style that was a ton of fucking passion to stick up for and rally your team, at times at the expense of others (and the perception of others). To use an NBA analogy, the equivalent might be like a Kevin Garnett or a Draymond Green. As much as sKILLz might not like being compared to him, I found his leadership style to be very much like Rasta's at =S3=.

I wanted to call this out because if you look at all the posts that sKILLz is making in this thread — it's really just a continuation of that. His supreme confidence in his team and backing up his team to the end as a leader. Could many of his replies be more nuanced, less controversial, less inciting, and more conducive toward making this 20th anniversary come together? Probably! But as someone who has played with him and know who he is as a leader, it's really consistent with how I understand him. He's really proud of what he helped put together as a leader of -W- — a team from all indications that I've seen, succeeded without cheating — and as him being a leader who wants to back his team all the time, in a way that from the outside might look like it's being done very irrationally/unreasonably, I see him as someone who will lose it at any accusations toward -W- because of how proud he is of his team. It was a really fun and rewarding time playing with him, yet it's understandable to see from the outside how it can be seen the wrong way.

It was 33 matches ;) <3 yes DH. You summed it up way better than I ever could. I am proud of -W- for we did not cheat in 48 matches. I formed the team for this reason to get away from that- i reviewed demos of all my players with gutpile. My farmer and one of the BIGGEST reasons we won so much. He was 55 years old, couldn't duel for shit but what he did in team chat using sensors calling cappers out coming in E or W and putting mine fields out and turrets back asap. and all the parts of the game MOST teams didnt use at all ( 5150 did S3 did they won? mmm) He was invaluable to -W- and said he would not join -W- and quit if he saw ANY cheating at all. I made a promise to my team, and him and myself that he would not. We all did.

Thank you DH. This should explain a lot. Join me on the cast? Well tell the truths together :) <3 sKILLz
<wall of text about skillz and -w->

i came to tribes a bit later than the original crew and really only played comp at a decent level long after NuTz had died and -w- was like 34 wins and like 2 losses or something

i started a team and tried my best to contact any team that would play us, and had a little success until i managed to get both -w- and THB to have weekly scrims against us

-w- was the best team i dealt with when it came to the behind the scenes stuff - arranging times, dealing with waiting if we didn't have enough people, etc. the -w- guys never made us feel like we were terrible newbies, even when we lost 0-8 they were super polite and even offered us suggestions of what to change, etc

THB, KoV and other teams were at times difficult to deal with - maybe not entirely from the leadership - but it often felt like they were just being patronizing and lowering themselves to playing a worse team and it was a waste of their time. maybe i was reading too much into it, but skillz and the -w- guys always felt more welcoming and helpful.

skillz was also the best team leader i've ever seen at adjusting strategies mid-game to change something that wasn't working into something that did.

after a few months of weekly scrims vs -w-, we actually learned a few things and had a couple of games where we got an early lead. i clearly remember a SB scrim where we went up 4-0 in the first like 8 minutes and i was feeling really cocky. to this day im still not sure what -w- changed, but 10 minutes later they'd beaten us 8-4. that happened a few times - we'd go up by a cap or two, and then skillz would see what wasn't working, change it, and we'd lose 8-2 or whatever.

regarding the cheating stuff, i know NuTz was shady but -w- always wanted to prove they were legit and were always, 100% of the time willing to share their demos to prove it.

i remember one scrim vs them, it was CoN and i was sure that azarus what cheating. like, positive. he was raining down mortars and hitting shots i couldn't believe. i thought i'd be sneaky and ask him for his demo, convinced that he wouldn't provide it. i messaged him all nice like 'oh hey man you played great that game, can you send me your demo so i can learn some of those spam points?'

he sent me his demo without any hesitation and within 2 minutes i knew i was completely wrong. shots that looked shady to me were easily explained from his perspective. i felt like an idiot and an asshole. we became FB buddies and kept in touch forever. not sure if he knows that our friendship is based on me thinking he was a hacker :p

later on, after base comp had long died and it was only LT, skillz used to host sunday night base pickups and was able to rally so many people to play, it was awesome. if he didn't show up one weekend, only half the people would show up and it would die out after 1-2 games. if he did, it would go on for 4-5 hours. skillz put a lot of work into getting everyone back and hyped up to play.

i have nothing but respect for skillz. he may be loud at times, he may be a bit cocky about tribes - but he was a great capt, a great guy and contributed more to the longevity of base than anyone i can think of

:heart: skillzy :heart: my t1 brolies :heart: base :heart: LT

</end wall of text>
:heart: gruv out
skillz is also the only veteran who is proactively trying to help us out with the 20th anniversary. i've tried to get in touch with a lot of old tribes players and most are either not interested or have ignored me. which is fine, i don't take it personally, but i think skillz has proven his love for this game more than enough. i'd hope everyone can let bygones be bygones and we can just have fun playing tribes/celebrating its 20th anniversary.
wrong again FooL

So wrong.

-W never cheated, I would have kept NuTz alive if I didn't care about that. I posted a big review to you and you're 20 year later BS. maybe you get it now ? probably not.

Losing sucks, and sadly you did a lot of that in Tribes, You were never #1? So STFU? Its like AAA baseball players saying Barry Bonds should always be a bum or many others like him yet never was a top player or even made it to a #1 on any team you played on

I admitted it, I am telling the truth at the cast, and i said it 20 years ago also but when I formed -W- and disband NuTz. You didn't listen then and you are still not now 20 years later lol.

My team was also at one time #1 on 3 ladders at once- another record.

yeah nah

it's sad that despite your obvious passion for the game and the good old days, you will ALWAYS be remembered primarily as a cheater and scumbag


<wall of text about skillz and -w->

i came to tribes a bit later than the original crew and really only played comp at a decent level long after NuTz had died and -w- was like 34 wins and like 2 losses or something

i started a team and tried my best to contact any team that would play us, and had a little success until i managed to get both -w- and THB to have weekly scrims against us

-w- was the best team i dealt with when it came to the behind the scenes stuff - arranging times, dealing with waiting if we didn't have enough people, etc. the -w- guys never made us feel like we were terrible newbies, even when we lost 0-8 they were super polite and even offered us suggestions of what to change, etc

THB, KoV and other teams were at times difficult to deal with - maybe not entirely from the leadership - but it often felt like they were just being patronizing and lowering themselves to playing a worse team and it was a waste of their time. maybe i was reading too much into it, but skillz and the -w- guys always felt more welcoming and helpful.

skillz was also the best team leader i've ever seen at adjusting strategies mid-game to change something that wasn't working into something that did.

after a few months of weekly scrims vs -w-, we actually learned a few things and had a couple of games where we got an early lead. i clearly remember a SB scrim where we went up 4-0 in the first like 8 minutes and i was feeling really cocky. to this day im still not sure what -w- changed, but 10 minutes later they'd beaten us 8-4. that happened a few times - we'd go up by a cap or two, and then skillz would see what wasn't working, change it, and we'd lose 8-2 or whatever.

regarding the cheating stuff, i know NuTz was shady but -w- always wanted to prove they were legit and were always, 100% of the time willing to share their demos to prove it.

i remember one scrim vs them, it was CoN and i was sure that azarus what cheating. like, positive. he was raining down mortars and hitting shots i couldn't believe. i thought i'd be sneaky and ask him for his demo, convinced that he wouldn't provide it. i messaged him all nice like 'oh hey man you played great that game, can you send me your demo so i can learn some of those spam points?'

he sent me his demo without any hesitation and within 2 minutes i knew i was completely wrong. shots that looked shady to me were easily explained from his perspective. i felt like an idiot and an asshole. we became FB buddies and kept in touch forever. not sure if he knows that our friendship is based on me thinking he was a hacker :p

later on, after base comp had long died and it was only LT, skillz used to host sunday night base pickups and was able to rally so many people to play, it was awesome. if he didn't show up one weekend, only half the people would show up and it would die out after 1-2 games. if he did, it would go on for 4-5 hours. skillz put a lot of work into getting everyone back and hyped up to play.

i have nothing but respect for skillz. he may be loud at times, he may be a bit cocky about tribes - but he was a great capt, a great guy and contributed more to the longevity of base than anyone i can think of

:heart: skillzy :heart: my t1 brolies :heart: base :heart: LT

</end wall of text>
:heart: gruv out

<3 i did that with any low ranked non top team who wanted a experience in playing a scrim even only with a TOP team. I would then PM the leader and tell him how come they lost and how to improve. ReZ leader would message me almost every match saying they practiced and did all these things and nothing mattered why!??! :( And i would tell him why. I tried to help all the weaker teams become better and give them a chance to play vs a TOP team. Almost ALL TOP TEAMS did not do this. I did it in NuTz and -W- to any team that wanted to play us. It made them better over time and some went on to beat better teams than them before and move up in the ladder.

That is the kind of person I truly am. Believe it or not. Who else is willing to pay for this event? It will cost? ummm at least 20k probably said and done. 20,00 DOLLARS I am willing to put up possibly if we can make this happen. The interest and demand for it by the end of OCT. By NOV 1st I need to know to book a place in VEGAS to do the LAN and all the logistics and stuff most of you guys have no idea what this involves, or are willing to help with it? If you are? If you have connections in Vegas to conference rooms to do a LAN like this? Let me know or Lyon. Come to -W- olfpack channel in DISCORD. A lot are there now from the old days.

For all you haters? Come to Vegas also, lets have a drink or a cannabis joint and shake hands? Its been 20 fucking years you guys. For real. I am 39 in Sept 6th? What about you? EVEN breaker who was 13 leading a team ( hes welcome to) is 33 now. TRD might be 70+ or I hope not dead :( and -W- gutpile will be 75+ also. So this is not easy to do and requires a lot of money and planning and support from the right teams and people- if enough are still around and see this.

If you know of players in RL you talk to? tell them to post, tell them about it. Deathhavoc you talk to S3 players?Rasta? Bluenose? IE players? Aestis, slut? sLam? bourbon? daunt? Adrenalin? RealistiK? and so many other who can make this happen. If so DO IT. And so on. Word of mouth. Is Sarcastick out of jail or still in ? ;) Love the Sticks to come and play. Love IE to love POE to , love just 7 of each to form 14 as 1 to come and play- that's legal. I know for a fact -W- will have at least 8 original players and my fill ins? Will be umm good :)

We can make this happen, if we make an effort. It cost YOU GUYS NOTHING but the cost to get to Vegas and accommodations and food etc. fuck ill buy booze its 10x more expensive here in Canada.. So booze? want that? fuck that's free in Vegas in most spots anyways and dirt cheat. FREE BOOZE ALSO THEN! Lets make this happen for what DH said- to not fight to not bicker over 20 year old news, but to remember the best game ever and have one last LAN party with a big prize to win( TBD) To meet those you never got to or go to a Tribes LAN that you never got the chance to. I didn't to any UVA or any US on. I made BC LANS with SlotR but that was not the same. I would for real love to meet even 1/10 the people I played with and against in this game for like 7 fucking years or more straight base CTF. Then LT for more years...

Only the Tribes players can make this happen- Only teams that stayed in contact can really and IMO those are the ones who had success and made life long friendships and bonds over winning and playing so much together over the years. I know I did with -W- players, i assume S3 and 5150 and others that had success did also. Maybe I am wrong?

No matter what if the LAN doesn't happen I will be on the POD CAST. I will tell you our CoN strategy and why we never lost on it- it wasn't cheating it was teamwork strategy, leadership and communication hands down. I will tell you about any strategy we used, any event/conflict, anything you want to know. 100% transparent like DH said, it has been 20 years.

Drop the drama and lets make this happen 1 last time for the best game ever- TRIBES! I am speaking to all those players and you know who I am talking about if you see this post/thread. Please respond <3

Sincerely sKILLz :)
ur rite skillz, everything u said itt shows that ur a rly nice guy u have won the thread just like u will win the grand tournament

Condescending comments mean nothing to me. I know who I am.

Fucking rights I want to win the LAN reunion tournament. I will admit that and say it. -W- never lost with our roster to not a turtle or our core starting team. We never played a lot of the TOP teams like S3 and IE and 5150 and THB but wished we did. POE? Sticks? Those teams can take 7 of each and form 1 team and get free entry to win. They have the talent to beat -W-. They might lack the teamwork and ability to work together quickly 20 years later- or not sLaM slut realistik adren , dabomb so many aestis RJ, were unreal. Natural, warnipple. See how you don't even belong in the conversation?

-W-? I know all the strats I know how to lead them all and I have NEVER played a match with less than a 60 ping much. A few times with 44. Mostly 150+

-W- With LAN pings? Ya fucking rights I will be confident we will win unless ^^^^^^ form teams, make teams, and come back and play one last weekend. WHY? Because the rest of you never beat us 20 years ago without 0 pings and no cheats. Logic and lack of understanding which you seem to lack a lot of would say we would do very well.

If IE and 5150 and S3 POE etc do not form a team of 14 or 14 of there own. Those honestly are the teams and era I want playing why I am willing to pay all this money to make it happen. I will still do it if interest is high enough for enough teams to make a tournament. Without the core old school elite to me? Wouldn't be the same and you guys egotistic or realistic -would get fucking waxed by -W- with 0 ping LAN network( slotr can make network for lan np) All in the same room talking together not on ROGER WILCO or team sound...

Think what you want, I am going on past information and facts and experience. You? Talking out you're ass to just be a jerk to bring down a event that is nothing but positive and FREE.

Its not for people like you- who never played CTF BASE TRIBES and talk shit about me while having no idea about anything that happen inthat tribes era or who I am as a person. Ask Killer J he lived with me for 4 months last year. Ask almost anyone who played for me or I helped out like SES, talk to MaLice he was on SES, we scrimmaged them when no one would i mean NO ONE.

Troll on I type fast and I give 2 fucks about grammar on TW.
Everyone whining about sKILLz and who cheated and who didn't and what was really going on back in the day doesn't actually know shit.

I want to hear this podcast he is promising, I already got a pretty good idea about what he is going to say about cheating and tribes and most people on TW were always terrible at tribes and never actually knew what was really going on in the competitive scene back in the day.

100% thank you
yeah nah

it's sad that despite your obvious passion for the game and the good old days, you will ALWAYS be remembered primarily as a cheater and scumbag



I know you. What you smurfing under, tell the truth. Because this is not it and that is a smurf name.

As many who hate me i have 2x that love me..
you don't know me, dickhead

also, will there be foam at the Vegas LAN?

if I'm gonna book flights there had better be foam