Epstein dead

Why do they think that because she's vaguely pretty in a Middle America basic kind of way, that she can stand up in front of the entire world, blatantly lie her ass off, and get away with it?

Because she can't. People are just not that dumb. And by people, I mean non-Trumptards.

come on, she's a fox and damn smart, like a white Candace Owens.

It's a shame they cut her boobs off though
Kid touching is a sort of a holy grail for intelligence services attacking the US because the illegality and forbiddeness of it creates a secrecy lock on the person doing it, against revealing the information publicly or to the police. They have a lot of leverage over the person to get them to do what they want, or for blackmail.

I was watching and waiting to see what would turn up about my own problem in relation to world events, and I noticed a troubling trend that I will briefly describe. Have you ever noticed or wondered why it takes years to uncover this stuff or prosecute it? And in the meantime, it seems like it is known about but nothing could be done regarding it.

I seemed to be stuck trying to figure out the issue with why I remembered things suddenly, and though it seemed like part of it was a thing called "light replacement" it can be explained like this. When anyone goes back and alters the past, it pushes forward the information to whatever point in the future it starts from, and it can only be fully evaluated at a future date, unless there is some criss-cross of the looping effect, and causes other light to leak in that reveals some of the information.

Thus I am finally able after years to reveal it all to you now, and the Huston Embassy issue may have something to do with it, like Houston we have a problem, that all the memory issues I was having began to sift about and fix on a certain point in time in my past, so that most of the memories were associated with that time and place.

And presto! It involved some child touching at a daycare. It seems that one of the silver rings I showed a picture of, that had an eye and three hammers on it was an icon for silencing a witness (the eye), and then going back and "hitting the person 3x for money" (the hammers.)

The other ring had a Spanish caravel on it, and I believe it involved interfering with the internship I had over on the coast in helping locate shards of pottery from a Spanish wreck. It was because someone else wanted to have the experience of finding the wreck, instead of me. It was purchased by someone. There were two other rings I had memories of, one with a f-18 on it and one with a M 48 tank in front of palm trees. When I asked one of these guys, a uncle why we had never seen them before, he stated, "I found out that I did not need them." The looping also involved passing a lot of information around and seeing things in "simulation," to test out what would happen if it was really done, or gain information in a way that was hard to detect. Perhaps the best example of this is the missile test against Hawaii, where the detection operator pulled the alarm when he saw missiles heading in, and then it just stopped and there were no missiles. It was called off and it has since then not occurred again, because the information was processed about the effectiveness of it.

Anyway, it seems that memories are being blocked, or legal process is being blocked on a lot of these cases, and so they cannot process forward. People like Cosby and Andrew got trapped into it, and refused to pay up any longer. It may be a long time until any of the people in this case really talk about what happened, and it it can not be examined and worked past the point where it was tampered with and blocked.

It seems like a lot of what is going on right now is odd, but we cannot perceive beyond what is happening to do anything about it. We just live in constant chaos and crisis, which is great for all of them.

"Anything that hurts the US is good for us: drug sales, crime, and theft. It all adds up."

-Jeffery Alan Lash
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Dershowitz is fucked. He's in the documents. It says he had sex with an underage girl multiple times. Hope he doesn't flee to Israel. He should be detained right now.

Go to 4chan for the document downloads and clipping people are finding.
Dershowitz is fucked. He's in the documents. It says he had sex with an underage girl multiple times. Hope he doesn't flee to Israel. He should be detained right now.

Go to 4chan for the document downloads and clipping people are finding.

If a scumbag flees to Israel a quick way to get him back is say the US will withhold any further funding.

The redaction doesn't work. If you copy and paste it into a text document it shows up. I can't tell if incompetent or intentional.

For example. The redacted shit...


Me copying and paste it into TW...


also... Opsie Doodles!

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They released PDFs with redacted content, blacked out. But if you copy it into notepad nothing is censored.
Stephen Hawking!?

Celebrities and high profile figures named in court documents
Prince Andrew
Alan Dershowitz
Emmy Taylor
Sarah Kellen
Eva Dubin
Glen Dubin
Jean Luc Brunel
Nadia Marcinkova
Bill Clinton
Marvin Minsky
Henry Jarecki
Naomi Campbell
Ron Eppinger
Stephen Hawking
Also Bill Clinton and Al Gore
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Where in the trial process is Maxwell anyway? I want to see some fuckers hang..other than Maxwell.
Epstein was a CIA asset controlled by Bush Sr. After Hildog lost he was no longer useful since his leverage didn't matter anymore. The government already knows who is on the list because they made the damn thing. Now it's just a matter of a few sacrifices of additional no longer useful assets. Need to cover up official involvement correctly because kid diddling will get white people angry and they're already at wits end from being called racist 24/7 by the (((media))). When whites chimp out even rich heads roll.