New inty changes

assault frigs were meant to deal heavier damage and take more of a beating than other frigs. Inties were meant to intercept as the name implies. Those +5% warp disruption and webbing range go towards fulfilling that.

/me takes Malediction off the market and holds on to it a bit longer.
EDIT: Ignore everything I just said because I'm a tard who apparently can't read... :|
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assault frigs are pretty worthless except for maybe missioning and ganking haulers... which you could gank haulers in just about anything.
I like the range boost on warp scram, but the 80% boost to cap use of Pjam modules seems a bit much.

I can run a raptor w/MWD and Scram indefinitely and my skills aren't even that great.

50% role bonus would make more sense, or tie it to level, 10% per interceptor skill.

Would rather have seen a 5-10% speed increase or agility increase per lvl.

I guess the real bonus here is you could fit 2 20k scram now + MWD no problem. Which means the carebears will be crying and soon there will be a tech2 warp stab with +3 warp strength :|
I looked at those and thought, "Hey, that could be fun to train". :( It needs Evasive Maneuvering V and Frigate V. I'm looking at 18 days for Evasive Maneuvering V and 8 for Frigate V.
I looked at those and thought, "Hey, that could be fun to train". :( It needs Evasive Maneuvering V and Frigate V. I'm looking at 18 days for Evasive Maneuvering V and 8 for Frigate V.
It isn't that long and worth it when you consider how much you'll be using it versus a tech1 frig. You might also look into implants to help cut your training time.
Ya, I don't have inty's trained (but I have cruiser V and BS V woop) but I'll probably train frigate V soon since I'm at the end of my current plan anyway. New ewar frigates + new inty scram range should be a good change of pace.

edit: False, train up learning skills to IV and advanced learning to IV before doing too many level V skills. Advanced learning books are kind of spendy, but it'll be worth it to get them out of the way before you start training up some of those 10 day skills.
assault frigs were meant to deal heavier damage and take more of a beating than other frigs. Inties were meant to intercept as the name implies. Those +5% warp disruption and webbing range go towards fulfilling that.

/me takes Malediction off the market and holds on to it a bit longer.
I didn't mean that the assault frigs should get tackling bonuses, just that they're already pretty useless compared to inties, and are in dire need of some lovin'.

I looked at those and thought, "Hey, that could be fun to train". :( It needs Evasive Maneuvering V and Frigate V. I'm looking at 18 days for Evasive Maneuvering V and 8 for Frigate V.
It'll be a lot less than that once you've got your learning skills trained... maybe 13-14 days to train both of them.
I think the time has come for me to reactivate my account and fly my Inty again :D

Too bad I fly one of the slower ones...fucking Taranis
Ares finally has a point now, I'd start buying those fuckers up NOW.

False, I'd REALLY reccomend you get EVEmon, there's a link in the skills forum on or at the bottom of the GD/Recruitment thread.

When you input all your skills you want to train, it'll promt you whether training a learning skill will speed up the training of your plan. This way, you'll know exactly how high to train a learning skill to save on time on any certain plan.

ofc, the best way to approach learning skills is to train perception to 4 of the advanced, then approach the rest depending on how much you forsee yourself training skills with those attributes as primary. Training lvl4 adv. charisma is a total waste, as there's not enough charisma skills to pay off the time investment.

Memory is almost the same way, you'd have to train memory primaried skills for most of a year to see a return on your investment.

Learning 5 is always good, and only needs over a year of training ANY skill to see a payoff.

This boosts the Stiletto by FAR the most. Now you can hold 3 points on something, at 24k+ with tech 1, and have NO worries on cap.
