[MMORPG]World of Tanks

Each gun has a certain amount of armor it can penetrate, each tank has a certain amount of armor. Frontal armor is the toughest, side and rear armor the weakest. AP ammo has a falloff on it's amount of penetration. HE Ammo does not. There is 'premium' ammo, that costs gold.

Game modes:

Recruit Battle = Light tanks and Artillery (noob ranks) once you go a certain amount up the tech tree you will then move to:

Standard Battle = All tanks and Artillery

Light Tanks = Scouts, I mean sure you can shoot at stuff but your main job is to stay alive and scout stuff for the other tanks and the Artillery to kill. You should try to find the other teams Artillery and kill it. If you stop moving, you're dead.

Medium tanks = A little tougher to kill, a little slower. Good for flanking heavy tanks and using hit and run tactics.

Heavy tanks = The big boys, tougher to kill but slower. Most light tanks can't damage you, a lot of shells will bounce off of you. You can 1 shot light tanks, and do a large amount of damage to other tanks but your turret movement is slower and reload time is longer.

Tank Destroyers: You can basically snipe with these while hiding in a bush. Has a lower profile and is harder to detect. A lot of shells will bounce off the higher level tank destroyers thanks to the slope of the armor. The drawbacks are weak side and really weak rear armor. It doesn't have a turret so it's vulnerable to being attacked from the rear. If you get 'tracked' (track damaged) and can't move, you will die fast.

Artillery: The main damage dealers so to speak. Hide in a bush or find a corner of the map and wait on your scouts to detect tanks. Use the overhead map to drop large explosive shells on enemy tanks and destroy them. (press 'shift' to see the overhead). They have the least amount of armor and will die to pretty much everything though. If you are spotted, move because everyone is coming for you!

Credits/XP are given for scouting, hitting enemies, killing enemies. The more damage you do to a bigger tank when compared to your tank, the more XP and credits you earn.
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Does the shooting require skill or is it target and press button?

There is skill involved. If you are a light tank especially, and pretty much any tank, you want to stay transversal to other tanks. (side to side) as it's harder to be tracked by the turret and there is more of a spread in the aiming.

There is an 'auto-aim' mode (right click on a highlighted enemy tank), which can be used to help guide your aim at tanks but it's not entirely accurate. It will try to keep the turret aimed at the tank and show you where to lead in order to hit it. The fact that most tanks stay moving doesn't lead to the best accuracy. It's point and shoot if they aren't moving though, but those people just suck.

But the question is, do you fire at the enemy sitting still but you have a wider cone of fire, or do you wait a few seconds for the aiming to 'zero in' thus increasing your chances of hitting the enemy, but knowing that they may move which will screw everything up?

Also, your crew helps accuracy, load times, etc. There are actually two reticles. One is the actual gun, the other is the cone of fire. Different guns have different aiming delays, these can be sped up with a better crew.

As your tank crew gets better (more games played) you become more accurate, load your gun faster, spot enemies better, etc...

There are systems that can be damaged. If you aim at the tracks of another tank, you can immobilize them.

*If you hit their turret, it can be immobilized, even the gun itself can be damaged and that will result in reduced targeting ability (bigger spread of fire)

*The engine can be damaged which results in slower speed or immobilization as well. Fuel tanks can also be damaged, not sure what effect this has though.

*Radio can be damaged which results in you not being able to communicate enemy positions on screen to your team.

*The ammo rack can be damaged, this can result in loss of ammo, or even detonation which will blow your tank up.

*The tank can catch on fire and it slowly loses health until your crew puts it out.

*Crew can even be injured which results in everything from more spread, slower loading, less radio, etc.

The crew will fix all these problems, unless it's critical damage, a better trained crew fixes the problems faster.
Holy shit that vid gives me wood.

I am a tank Police/commander in the So Cal Scenario paintball scene.

However what that game lacks is the power of infantry. They can make or break tank support.

Just Tank on Tank action is not a satisfying strategy

According to the FAQ for WoT:

Are there any machine guns in the game?

Tanks have machine guns installed on them, but as long as there is no infantry, there’s no need to use them in battles, because even the most powerful machine gun is not capable of penetrating armor of a decent tank. Infantry will be implemented further on.
Got the email from shattered crystal awhile ago, just got the key. The whole territory thing looks fun. 15 minute games I can play daily for as much or little as I want? Count me in.
Got the email from shattered crystal awhile ago, just got the key. The whole territory thing looks fun. 15 minute games I can play daily for as much or little as I want? Count me in.

yeah the territory thing isn't implemented yet. Just the basic tank warfare on like 5 maps. Eventually they are going to have 30 vs 30 battles on bigger maps. There should be a new patch sometime soon. The server is in Europe.