[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

what i dont understand is how anyone could vote without having their identity checked first. i mean, that sounds common sense to me- do we not follow common sense? haha
what i dont understand is how anyone could vote without having their identity checked first. i mean, that sounds common sense to me- do we not follow common sense? haha

More than half of the states don't require a photo ID to vote. Only 16 require a strict photo ID. 38% of the country doesn't require any ID to vote, unsurprisingly including California.
ID is racist - black people don't have it and also don't have internet or know where the DMV is at

How they get in da club? How they buy newports? How they buy malt liquor? You need an ID for all of these things. You don't need an ID to drive a stolen car, so you've got me on that one.
Uh oh.

Apparently this has been overlooked or conveniently ignored:

Following is the full text of a statement from a senior administration official, issued to The New York Times on Friday in response to questions about the federal government’s investigation into the integrity of the Nov. 8 presidential election. The government issued the statement to The Times on the condition that it be attributable only to a senior official.

The Kremlin probably expected that publicity surrounding the disclosures that followed the Russian Government-directed compromises of e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations, would raise questions about the integrity of the election process that could have undermined the legitimacy of the President-elect. Nevertheless, we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people.

The Federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on election day. As we have noted before, we remained confident in the overall integrity of electoral infrastructure, a confidence that was borne out on election day. As a result, we believe our elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective.

That said, since we do not know if the Russians had planned any malicious cyber activity for election day, we don’t know if they were deterred from further activity by the various warnings the U.S. government conveyed.
Log In - New York Times

From the WH via NYT. Is that enough to convince the disheartened democrats?

Hey an editorial whining about bias while calling what is a below average electoral college win for the last 40 years a landside. It sure proved it's point referencing one disputed study.

Biggest win for a Republican in 28 years. Pretty big accomplishment when both California and New York are guaranteed blue every election.

Fucking stupid to compare 2016 to 40 years ago with such a dramatic demographic shift, don't you think?
No one needs fake news to realize everyone in the entire process is a cunt. We just chose a cunt that wasn't being force fed to us.