[Official] :bandit: 2.0

smoked earlier

eatin some deer sausage with cheese + crackers

then imma go :bandit: again
I want to hate trimming, seems like a fantastic problem to have.


its fun when its a small amount

it's the big jobs that are torture - my eyes start running, my skin starts to turn red and itchy, eyes water... ugh! gross. it becomes a real chore.

but that first little bit is fun :lol:
so i found the molino mad scientist v3 on sale for 130 and sprung for it.
also purchased da buddha vape for 150.
gfg christmas

my friends grow only has about a month left. started some shrooms up too.
gfg new year
I'd love to learn how to grow my own little stash, seems like it would be fun. No idea how to start though.

it's actually very easy. just do your research, don't over fert, water properly, give them fresh air, good light, good ventilation, and just show them love :bandit:

this was actually "my friends" first grow.

3 out of 4 female, 4th didn't make it through transplant :(

edit: and when there's a problem (coloring or curling of the leaves, bugs, etc,) find out how to fix it, and do it quickly.

also you would be surprised how resiliant these guys are. they can survive a lot

if you want, just grow one plant and SCROG (screen of green) and you'll get great yields.
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I have growing for a few years now, google rollitup. Lots and lots of info and a great community willing to help out noobs.

Research first, buy what you need and then start your garden.
DarkPiece has it right. Especially the part about people not liking to trim. Some don't mind. Everyone else would rather lop off a toe than trim. I don't think there are many who fall in the middle. So if it's not for sale it usually doesn't get trimmed very well. It's usually referred to as a "connoisseur trim". Lol. I hate trimming and I won't do it for anything.

So I hire a trimmer and get the best of both worlds. Well, used to. Since I'm not growing right now my provider handles that. But I used to hire a trimmer when my garden was active. He's very good and very fast. Typically he can trim up two complete 6-8 oz plants in 6-7 hours, and the result is a work of art. I paid him $15/hr, so it only costs me about $100 to get 14 oz or so trimmed, and it's fantastic work. Totally worth every penny. In northern Cali and some places in Oregon you can find people who do it for a living. He and his wife used to, but they wanted to settle here and have a family. Lucky me.

Best part? My provider uses his services as well, so he still trims all my bud. Woot!

That's a lot of good info, Sn0wm4n.


I'm reading The Rastafarians by Leonard E. Barrett, Sr. and I thought some of you'd appreciate the excerpts.
My mom, who does not :bandit: anymore but supports it being legal OVER alcohol likes to post :bandit: shit on my facebook wall - she posted mario against a pipe smoking a j once, that was pretty cool. Today I awoke to some seasonal joy. Thanks mom :D
