Game of Thrones Season 8

Its only the most talked about fan theory still going after almost two years.

His great-grandfather was originally from Braavos, home of the Faceless Men.

Season seven, episode five - a woman whispers “your time is up” to Littlefinger during a secret meeting at Winterfell, then hands him what appears to be a coin…the iron coin of Braavos.

Littlefinger was not wearing his mockingbird sigil in his death scene.

Littlefinger was not wearing his daggers in his death scene.

Littlefinger never entered the great hall for the council meeting.

Littlefinger will have control of the Vale and 2,000 (Heavy Horse) Knights of the Vale and 2,000 Heavy foot soldiers and pikemen that Jon Snow desperately needs.

Game of Thrones Theory: Littlefinger Faked His Death With A Faceless Man

This Game of Thrones Theory May Signal the Return of a Very Unexpected Character in Season 8

‘Game Of Thrones’ Theory: Is Littlefinger Alive After Faking His Death?

More elaboration on Petyr Baelish faking his death theory.

‘Game Of Thrones’ Fan Theory Says A Major Character Who Died Last Season Is Actually Still Alive
no wait, THIS is the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a long time tbh
Doesn't that theory fall apart by simply pointing out that the Faceless men would probably think faking deaths are an insult/cheating and that Littlefinger would be smart enough to put a pin on his substitute?
As far as I know the Faceless Men take faces from dead people, not live ones. So, how did they get Littlefinger's face without killing him? Btw, his trial and execution is one of the most satisfying in the whole show imho.
I dunno, part of me thinks his death was purely because they wanted to have a major character death and had no idea what to do with him in a final season. He was in no position to manipulate Jon or Dany, and how do you send him back to Cersei? It was like all of his plans hit a narrative wall so they just killed him off.
First two episodes could have been one 70 minute episode.

Plot hasn't moved. Wasted 2 episodes about Jon being Aegon and Jaime being a different dude.

Show really has been shit since they ran out of book material.