daily complaint thread n2

i watched bill and teds over chistmas cause my girl hadn't seen it

she wasn't born yet LOL

movies seem to be the thing that makes me feel old now

bitch you aint seen raiders of the lost ark OR blade runner? holy fuck

thats my complaint
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tell 'em groove

k lemme vent because i can't actually say these things in real life...

bitch u live in hollywood

how have u not seen all these classic movies

i had to show her Goonies for gods sake


who hasn't seen the goonies? jesus christ

lucky for her she liked it cause otherwise i was gonna eat her babies

she didn't know who Geraldo Rivera was and it made me unnecessarily angry and i hit on her friend for the rest of the night who knew who he was (or at least pretended to)

im not sure if i'm a bad person or just old

maybe its the same thing