Obama fires inspector general who found misuse of AmeriCorps funds

So this guy hands in a report that doesn't ACTUALLY have a total on how much money, if any, was misspent nor did he provide any real proof other than his own "conclusions". When someone doesn't jump on his story as soon as he hands in the reports his office starts a media slam campaign. Oh yeah, this guy is 100% credible.... except the democrat and the republican that run the St. Hope board say "It's about time". This guy had an agenda, to "get" Obama supporters. It back fired and now he's jobless.

wow you are a faggot socialist
Oh Jesus Christ. Don't you dare call yourself a conservative, BadMofo. You're a fucking retard Bushie.

I imagine you're the dumb hick type, so I guess you can call yourself a social conservative, but fiscal or personal liberty?

Get the fuck out of here. You don't get to group yourself with me.

Dumbshit Bushie.