emergency phone solution

dude, we're all software engineers here
Yeah, I noticed a lot of people like to use the title.

i already said what i'm asking for

a phone app that allows a caller to flag a call as emergency so that the receiver can override its notification settings. the user would be able to configure incoming numbers as having emergency access so it couldn't be abused. this is easy to envision because it is already exactly what amber alerts do. i've never dealt with the call architecture in what limited app dev i've done, so idk how hard it is to write a phone wrapper class, but the rest is just ui. this way the user would not need an additional emergency phone number as they would if using a prepaid phone or google voice. however, both caller and receiver would probably need to use the app, so it would make more sense as a built-in.

i don't give enough of a fuck to develop this but since "personalized amber alert" is a simple idea i was curious whether anyone had. the fact you can't envision this makes me question your capability as an engineer.

i already acknowledged that the double-call disturb setting is an alternate and acceptable solution to this problem and that my phone doesn't have that, and that's exactly why i made the thread, to find out about shit i don't have
Are you retarded? I just said all of what you said but in a single sentence: "Someone to text you a special text THEN your phone works for them on the next call within 2 minutes?"

Yes, an app could be created that both users would have to have that could send some sort of "pre-call" warning to the other user's phone (with a "received" confirmation first) and disable the DND for that person for a period of time. However, without even touching Android/iOS app-developing, I sincerely doubt apps have access to disable DND. I mean, they might, but they probably don't, which means your phone would have to unlocked and tweaked.

It's probably not happening. Just use the fucking double-ring, dipshit. It's not rocket science.

Edit: Never mind the bit about API restriction. You can give an app access through DND access settings, so from 10 seconds of web-searching, it can be done, but I doubt anyone is going to invest the time when there is already sufficient DND-exclusions built in.

Ideally, Android would build something like this in. Each contact of yours would have the option of sending a pre-call override for emergencies.
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Install a landline and give them that number

Or just buy a burner phone & sim and hand that out only to ppl who would ever have cause to call you with an emergency

Better still, just go fuck yourself and ctrl-k irl
dude, we're all software engineers here

i already said what i'm asking for

a phone app that allows a caller to flag a call as emergency so that the receiver can override its notification settings. the user would be able to configure incoming numbers as having emergency access so it couldn't be abused. this is easy to envision because it is already exactly what amber alerts do. i've never dealt with the call architecture in what limited app dev i've done, so idk how hard it is to write a phone wrapper class, but the rest is just ui. this way the user would not need an additional emergency phone number as they would if using a prepaid phone or google voice. however, both caller and receiver would probably need to use the app, so it would make more sense as a built-in.

i don't give enough of a fuck to develop this but since "personalized amber alert" is a simple idea i was curious whether anyone had. the fact you can't envision this makes me question your capability as an engineer.

i already acknowledged that the double-call disturb setting is an alternate and acceptable solution to this problem and that my phone doesn't have that, and that's exactly why i made the thread, to find out about shit i don't have

You could easily duplicate the double call functionality with tasker
dude, we're all software engineers here

i already said what i'm asking for

a phone app that allows a caller to flag a call as emergency so that the receiver can override its notification settings. the user would be able to configure incoming numbers as having emergency access so it couldn't be abused. this is easy to envision because it is already exactly what amber alerts do. i've never dealt with the call architecture in what limited app dev i've done, so idk how hard it is to write a phone wrapper class, but the rest is just ui. this way the user would not need an additional emergency phone number as they would if using a prepaid phone or google voice. however, both caller and receiver would probably need to use the app, so it would make more sense as a built-in.

i don't give enough of a fuck to develop this but since "personalized amber alert" is a simple idea i was curious whether anyone had. the fact you can't envision this makes me question your capability as an engineer.

i already acknowledged that the double-call disturb setting is an alternate and acceptable solution to this problem and that my phone doesn't have that, and that's exactly why i made the thread, to find out about shit i don't have

text messages and emails already have this with push alerts and flagging as urgent

there is probably some way to get your phone company to do this as well with your number having an emergency extension

probably better to just get two numbers
listen bob lemme help u

first things first, you're gonna need latex glove(s) and coconut oil

u wanna remove all of ur jewelry including watch and put the gloves on

next u wanna take ur phone and slather it with coconut oil

I'm talkin the whole thing should be caked in at least a half inch of coconut oil all the way around. it should be nearly impossible to hold

then ur gonna wanna relax ur butthole as much as possible and just slowly start sliding it in

usually u want to put it in longways 4 easiest effort but if u r rly feelin up 2 it then u can try sideways idk I'm not ur dad

once its nice and up there u wanna close that fartbox up nice n tight and clean out the excess oil

now ur free to walk in front of moving traffic
i have like 8 phone numbers for different situations/cities

mostly voip lines forwarded to my cell

voip setup prepends L1_,L2,L3 etc to call display so i know which line calls are coming in on

some lines ring thru at all times of day, others go to different IVRs or voicemails during non-work hrs or at all times

some of the straight to IVR lines can get thru if u choose emergency option

it probably sounds more complicated than it really is

i mostly give out xxx-xxx-LOVE (L1) or xxx-xxx-HATE (L2)

i usually dont spell out the latter :p
We used to have a bitch phone at work in China. It was supposed to be for any visiting engineer/manager to use but we would give the number out to all the bar girls and prostitutes.

Then we hand the phone to some unsuspecting FNG who just got off the plane.

That damn thing never stopped ringing after 7pm :lol:

Good times