Juggernaught is a LARPer.

reggs should challenge juggernaught to a fake sword fight.

Reggs would smack juggs in the cheek.

then juggs would get that weird gorilla retard strength and swing his arms windmill style at large crowds of people
I can't believe my hormone lotion comment got under naptown's skin so much. I never would have imagined someone who spends all his time body building would have self esteem issues like that.
Do airsofters get deployed to warzones?

They use antiquated weapons & tactics and they simulate battles for fun instead of doing it as their job (although their job could include swordfighting for movies), other than that, they aren't any different.

I make fun of airsofters too. But no, they don't go to warzones to shoot plastic bbs at the enemy. Although I wouldn't oppose such actions. It would weed out the retards.
Are you sure that he didn't stop posting because I called him out on being a miserable, sick waste of life?

I will apologize if he asks me very nicely.
so i bet some of you are jizzing your pants over the new nerf swords i seen on a TV commercial just now.


the new nerf swords i seen on a TV commercial
How is it possible to live your entire life among an English speaking population and still come out with shit like this?

You SAW that sword on a commercial.

You did not SEEN that sword on a commercial.

This is second grade stuff, Travace.
ohh god stfu already you know what i mean.

i really hate people who are so anal about a couple words. im so done with your shit Kura welcome to my ignore list for a while.
Holy shit.
Did somebody seriously just put me on ignore for making fun of their grammar.

Congrats, Travace. You just unseated Bad_CRC for the #1 lamest reason to ignore me spot.
Juggernaught is a LARPer. by Kurayami - TribalWar Forums
Tahnit likes bad games. by Kurayami - TribalWar Forums

im amused that the last two threads kura created are carbon copies of fraggle's latest month-long calling-out crusade

Originally posted by FuFu
once, there was a boy who liked a girl. he liked this girl for a long time, and had pretty much decided nothing was going to happen. then one night, out of the blue, the boy was happy. just as fast as he got there, she took it away. why?
reason: none
once, there was a boy who had lots of friends. they'd known each other for a long time. the boy would never do anything do hurt his friends or anything. then they lied to him and gave him a nice stab in the back.
reasons: none
there was once a boy that sat at his computers late into the night with music playing. he would lay his head down on his hands and close his eyes. why did he have to go through this?
reasons: none
once, a boy killed himself. why did he do this?
he had no reason to live.
reggs, everytime someone brings up your incredibly creepy relationship with your asian adopted sister, how come you ignore them?
This is a good question. There is something unsettling about the fact that neither he nor his girlfriend ever spoke to any of their blood family members again.
They adopted him when he was eighteen even though there was a long custody battle with his mother until he was 11 or 12. I don't get why they didn't adopt him then.
I don't think they adopted his girlfriend but he has said that she has lived with them since she was really young and that he has never dated anyone else.

It sticks out in my mind because my family lost a niece and a nephew in a nasty divorce because the mother had more access to the kids and eventually they came to believe that they had never lived with their dad and eventually got old enough to cut all ties to every one of us.
I did some part time work in a law office to try and learn about what was going on so maybe I could help and found out this happens a lot.
Reggs' situation sounds the same except that it wasn't a divorce between his mother and father. It sounds like it was a divorce of sorts between his birth mother and adoptive parents. Like they were close and then they decided they wanted to keep him.
And then it's like they imported a girlfriend and "saved" her, too. So now she's ingratiated so she'll never rock the boat.
He talked about it a while back, when his birth mother came to see him.
Its a little bit weird how you keep that ready to post in an instant.
Well, I had to search for it the other day when FuFu lied about posting a suicide thread, so I happened to remember the title.

I hope that doesn't upset your premise. :(