gg's last night here is dare comments


fat mav is bad lo and better home defense (this is probably pendant on map he plays, but on hb he had one standoff where he keep stand off going by picking up flag vs 3 players after it very clutch like so this make me happy as he is typically useless) all in all over course of this last year fat mav has improved a lot 5/5 stars

when ppl come in and use smurf name like me it is important to get them to tell u who u are so team stck does not happen. it is not fun playing vs smurfs who will not tell u who they are. if i use smurf name i will say i am dare. when u get a smurf that does not tell u who they are and then they get picked 1st or 2nd round it ruins game. tonight was prime example when alarik get anemix smurfing ontop of already having rtcll picked and i get stuck with lostsands as my pick. i refuse to captain and ppl start bitching at me that i ruining game cuz i just spamming chat asking who the smurf is. but y bother play a game if u r gonna auto lose vs stack team. that is lame

we play many pu tonight many maps in a row and pu keep going. very ggs and i happy that we play so many map in a row

hopefully we keep puing maybe even make scrim team sometimes