the "I stole from Costco" thread (STEALING isnt COOL) bylaws clearly state that you are in violation of the member-vet agreement and therefore must be banned.

You have made the following violations:

-Blatant use of member account to post threads unworthy of reading by vet+

-Posting a thread in order to gain attention that otherwise would not be paid to you, aka being an 'attention whore'

-Denial of above claims in replys deemed not worthy of reading time of vet+

Hereby we sentence you to 1 ban.
Kind of reminds me of something from my childhood..

My brother and I used to go shopping with my mom a lot, this happened when I was about 7 and my brother was around 10. We used to really rip off Eckards at the mall. This was over 20 years ago, and there was no bar code scanners, and well, the world was a much more trusting place. Things like this probably changed all that, but anyways..

We used to go in with a black sharpie, and shop the toy isle while my mom was getting whatever. We were really into Revell models at the time, and we would take the sharpie and X out the price tag. Then we would write "$1.00" or "$2.00" on the box. Strange as it seems now, this is how they would mark down sale items then.

We would then take them to our mom, and go "Wow, look this is on sale!". Mom would then take the item to the register and get the item for whatever cost we wrote on it. :shrug:

We did get a bit of justice once, however. My brother (who had moved on to more daring things) once tried to steal a bottle of testors paint thinner (remember the Testors paint that came in little jars?). He put it in his pocket, and we walked out after my mom had paid for her things.

We're walking through the mall and my brother starts limping a little. I look over, and he is nearly in tears. Seems the bottle of paint thinner came unscrewed slightly in his pocket, and spilled as he walked.

I remember he had the nastiest looking rash on his upper leg for like a week.. obviously our mom found out about that one.
i used to swipe stuff from age 12-20 till i got caught at fry's... i somehow knew theyd be my undoing... anyways i got used to it after 3 or so tries :) ... remember, be like the ninja :ninja
i had a friend who used to regularly steal from walmarts, targets, any store really.. from taking cds from the boxes.. stealing razors.. grabbing a drink and acting like he paid for it already, etc..

did it for years

until one point a man came up and put his hand on his shoulder "just put it back son"
he was promptly taken to a police station and showed around 50 tapes of him stealing.. the various stores had hired a PI to follow him, and busted his ass hardcore.. they couldnt actually prosecute on anything but the tapes that showed his face.. but had him on record for tons more