Way to be...

Yeah, I really don't see this being a big problem. Maybe you will be contacted and have to spell it out for someone, but I'm sure that will be it.
Mike "The Stupid Bastard" Bryant said:
Unfortunately, although judging by what I've read on the site, it's run by kids for the most part, one of my responsibilities is to actually find cases that could possibly be construed as internet fraud

Not only does this motherfucking waste of life allude to nonexistant fraud on Col's part, over a matter of donations that are not ever stated to be in exchange for services or merchandise, but he then says the management is a bunch of children.

Real nice, he's not only the internet equivalent of an ambulance chaser but he is a condescending, ignorant, humorless prick besides.
From: Mike Bryant [mailto:mbryantlf@*.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2003 12:29 PM
To: Matthew DeWald
Subject: RE: Website Donations

There's no reason to feel as tohugh you have been insulted Matthew. You aren't accused of anything. As I said, it's just my position to seek out issues that could possibly lead to "wrong doing" and this site fits the criteria. I have no doubt that you're on the up and up, and there's an equally good chence that everyone will agree, there will be no need for a second look. But it's also my responsibility to pass this along, especially since there is no real online documentation to show that these people donating are actually helping to support the site and not you.
I'm sure things will work out fine.

The problem is that I have no obligation to show that these people are donating to the site and not to me. It is a donation not a payment. We are not a non-profit organization and as such, I have no requirements to display our purchases for public scrutiny. The insulting part is your assumption that we are a bunch of “kids”. That was the least professional thing you could have said.

If you would kindly provide me information on your “firm”, including your phone number, manager’s name and contact information as well as you salary and what you spend your money on (since we’re just comparing notes to make sure you’re on the up and up). Thank you again for your time.

Matthew DeWald
Colosus said:
Pissed off teacher:

Someone posted a story about their teacher being fired for sleeping with members of the hockey team for a better grade. The teacher e-mailed me and complained that it was defamation of character and she was going to sue for slander.

I informed her that it was libel, not slander and then showed an AOL case (thanks Fraggle) where defamation by forum users was not the responsibility of the forum administration.

Did you ask her for pics?
this man must not realize that he's dealing with the site that has taking goatse'ing to an all new level. TW is almost like the mob..you may not wake up with a horsehead in your bed, but you can damn sure wake up with some guys gaping asshole in your mailbox