The official 'unofficial' story of goatse....and how tw goatse'd 300,000 peeps...

Fuck it, rayn, imp? if you guys are down for something like a 4 year review of TW.. like, a short little movie or something..

im totally down for it.
just outta curiousity. I know donaters pay for some of the bills around here but who the hell makes up the rest? I mean when this place started there where no donaters so who payed for it then?
there used to be banner ads (before ad networks realized they were paying way too much money, and realized how ineffective the ads were)
here's how it goes

ugo ad network
gameloft (who only really wanted tsn, which was hosted by tw at the time)
they got some deal with speakeasy or somethn
xgamer (NOW)

i probably missed something but oh well
Has anyone posted the original pic? It was pretty spectacular.

I remember being in IRC when Rayn was bragging about it on all the sites and linking goatse off yahoo and CNN and shit before they actually caught on and fixed the link.
Imposter said:
We were never on UGO. Before gameloft it was gameshack, which Zero-x ran.
i didn't say you were hosted by ugo, but you did run banner ads for ugo, and that's all i could remember
Those were OGL ads, I believe...

When TW was hosted by OGL or something..

They were the best bannorads ever though.. :eek: always had suggestive hawt gaming chicks and shit... :eek:

People used to make threads 'bout em...