Rude people... (no, not a parody)

no, why would he sit in his car warming it up, and then leave his car again. I said it was still there, except empty when I came back again.
FedZ said:
no, why would he sit in his car warming it up, and then leave his car again. I said it was still there, except empty when I came back again.

How's this grab you.. he went to his car to grab something, and seeing how it was butt ass cold outside he decided to warm up a little before heading back. Seems sensible to me. Seriously FedZ, you can't go around doing things like that, because you will get hurt. There are people out there who really would break your face in with a crowbar for something like that. You might think you're a real tough guy as a little teenage twerp, but I assure you, you're not.
man is shopping with wife, wife buys to much shit/he gets bored and goes out for a smoke. while he's dropping the stuff off at the car/getting his cigarettes and being that it's 0 degree weather out he figures he'll warm himself up because he's got another 3 more hours of holiday hell in the store, so he turns the car on, defrosts his footsies, then goes back inside.

*swings his arms around ala willim dafoe* and that gentlemen, is what went down here.
no, i've never heard of anyone at a mall leave to warm up themselves, as a matter of fact why the fuck would you come out of a mall warm youself up and go back inside.. wtf
maybe he was writing something in his dad does that sometimes, after he buys a bunch of shit he'll go to the car and drop some shit off and record all the receipts in his checkbook and then go back in for round 2.
Most teenage kids think they are tough. Then they get a lesson in reality. Sometimes the lesson is a lot harder than they would prefer.
FedZ said:
i assure you i'm as tough as need be for how old i am

(woot internet tough guy now too)
If you did that to my car, you would be fucked up. If you did that to someone else's car, I would still fuck you up. Do not fuck with someone's car, you little ungrateful shit.
i'll fuck with whoevers car i want, and next time i'll do it i'll be sure to think of you guys laughing the whole way :]
You know what? The guy's motive for sitting in his car is none of your fucking business. If you wanted his space and you had been sitting there for a while, you could've honked. Being that you said you claimed you honked, the music might have been on, or he didn't realize that it was you honking, or he might not have even known you were there at all. Then you could've just tapped on his glass and asked nicely if he was leaving.

You can't be that tough considering you are afraid of 0 degree weather and have to wait till the guy's gone before keying his car. Why didn't you just hop out and key it right away?

Fucking pussy teenage angst ridden tough guy bullshit.

Fuck you.
Notice how easy it is to piss off the weakminded, wah I wanted to park there, with any luck they had parking lot cameras running.