SuicideTaxi is demented

So wait, let's examine the logic here....

It's not "creepy" or "demented" for cyclotard or claudius to follow me around the forum and post the same tag in every thread I post in, but it is creepy if someone does it to them?

Interesting logic. :lol:
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:lol: i never tagged any of your threads you dirty old greaseball

but congrats on taking the time to sift through all my threads and tag them
sure dude they can be creepy too if you want

i don't think it really matters

you are 40 years old and search internet forums for every thread someone has made so you can 'tag' it because they made fun of you

just read that back to yourself a few times

let it sink in
Oh right, that must be the other guy following me around through every thread saying the exact same thing.

Me so kooky.
i think suicidetaxi was upset because i questioned his retarded conspiracy theories

that's when his "tag attack" started

then he searched the forum and tagged all my threads after i called him a dirty greaseball
taxi puts everyone on ignore who makes him realize what a loser he is because it's a lot easier than figuring out how not to be a loser at his age
You, sir, are a forum detective and psychologist unrivaled in modern times.


i have never come across a middle-aged man who gets upset enough on an internet forum to start stalking people half his age and posting tags in all their threads, then make shit up when questioned about it
taxi puts everyone on ignore who makes him realize what a loser he is because it's a lot easier than figuring out how not to be a loser at his age

i think the fact that me simply calling him a "dirty greaseball" prompted him to do this might urge me to actually start tagging some of his threads to see how far this mid-life rage will take him
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taxi probably also gets a really greasy hard-on when some dipshit half his age sinks to his level of lame

so have fun w/that
hey taxi
Do you think posting my picture is like a fuckin insult or something? :lol:

Pro Tip: Except for the obvious exhaustion and cut on my face, I see that every time I shave. Well, minus the hair though, it hasn't been that long in years.
Why are you so obsessed with me, my posts, my hair length, my personal hygiene, my age, or pretty much anything else concerning me?

Threads created by Taxi about cyclotard: 0
Posts by Taxi about cyclotard: 0
Threads created by cyclotard about Taxi: 1
Posts by cyclotard about Taxi: 18 (at least 18 definitely, likely more)

You really want to talk about "stalking", "creepy", and "demented"? :lol:

What gives, little guy.... Do you want my cock too? You're obsessed with my picture and have posted it ten times... do you have it printed and next to your monitor too?

You've jumped around to get my attention so badly... okay, now you've got it.

Am I fulfilling your little homoerotic fantasy yet?
cyclozine threads rigorously tagged by taxi in 1 day: about 100

notice taxi is embarrassed to reveal how often he brushes his teeth

I'll tell ya what

You tell me how many times you jerk off to my picture, and I'll tell you how many times I brush my teeth.
conclusion: taxi does not wash his hair or brush his teeth

obviously hygiene is not a concern for someone who spends all day on IRC