[Release]GeForce Font [T1][brackets]


Veteran XX



to use: unzip to somewhere (a temp folder?)
find your tribes folder and open up /base/fonts.zip
put the .pft and .pngs into fonts.zip (you do not need the source_pft folder)

alternatively you could create a /fonts folder in /base and unzip it there. this may cause confusion because tribes will still have the originals in fonts.zip

fonts should be backward compatible with 1.11/1.30 etc, just use the .pft files alone, you may have to replace them in a .vol, i dont remember

you can open the source .pft included with andrews pftedit.exe and recolor/add outline/edit/etc as you see fit

if you do that, and you want to use them in 1.40 you will need to run them through tribesconvert to convert them to 1.40 png format

this includes replacements for many, but not all of tribes fonts. you can rename the ones included if you want to replace other fonts - here's a great list of font names/uses posted by lemon [Tribes 1.40] Fonts by lemon - TribalWar Forums

also because this font is larger than the stock font, it will resize some huds, and some .gui files will probably need to be edited to accomodate the larger text
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