Florida bans AR15

it's called the Constitution

to uphold a Republic

these are things that keep us from being a Banana Republic

Ruled by Kangaroo Courts.......

read up on a thing called RULE OF LAW sometime

anything by John Locke

I know this sounds like a petting zoo, a fruit stand, but seriously read up on a few of those sometime between making mimosas tomorrow

these terms don't even need to come with a fruity umbrella
enjoying life like u last night i hope





sleep sweet baby jaundice
cuckservatives often conflate an amendment with a commandment like its god speak


can I get a list of what constitutional rights are extended to me at which age and if there are any other categories they should be broken down by?
18 you are an adult.......no if ands or buttttts about it

except for liberals

because for them the age of sexual consent should be 8 months

age to vote should be 16

age to buy cigs should be 21

and the age to own a gun should be 800 years old

something, something, something, bone spurs

why don't u just accept why we are :rofl: in here about this