Fantasy/Sci-fi Book recommendations revisited

There is an online only series that's actually really good. Not perfect grammar or spelling, but has been an awesome read. I'm on Book 4 of the first 5 book series called Firestaff. - Welcome to my Web site

The guy has written some fantasy (Firestaff Series and Pyrosian Chronicles) a SciFi series called Subjugation and a few others. I'm fairly new to all of it, a co-worker showed them to me, but so far i've thoroughly enjoyed the Firestaff Series.
Yeah I'm a gene Wolfe fan but the first time I read one of his books I had to consult a dictionary to see if he was making up words.
Dark Tower is OK, the first book is worth checking out. I stayed with it until like book 4 before i gave up.
Already been mentioned a few times but I'll add it too. The Malazan Book of the Fallen series. Best fantasy series I've read. It's not a casual read and might throw off some readers because there's A LOT going on, all the time. Starts off with Gardens of the Moon and just gets better after that. I'm actually on my second readthrough of the series and it's even better the second time.

Also, Glen Cook's Black Company is well worth it.
I'm enjoying Mike Carey's Castor series. Starts with "The Devil You Know". Think British Harry Dresden but instead of magic there are ghosts, and instead of wizards there are exorcists. Good stuff.
Gotta chime in, I feel almost privileged that these didn't come up yet.

Neuromancer - William Gibson

Hammer's Slammers - David Drake

Night Winds - Karl Edward Wagner

The Stainless Steel Rat - Harry Harrison
The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
I can't say enough about this series. Probably one of the best series I've ever read. He has written 12 novels in it so far and has plans for 8-10 more and then an apocalyptic trilogy to bring things to a close. Writes about a novel a year with a short story or two in between so should hold your interest for a while if you wind up liking him. Really hope he doesn't die before he finishes things.

If you like Butcher, you might look at some of Simon R Green's books too, particularly the Nightside series and the Secret Histories series.

The Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons. I haven't read Ilium and Olympos yet but I hear they are very good too.

The Heir to Empire trilogy by Timothy Zahn is pretty good even if you aren't into Star Wars.

Some of the books in the Horus Heresy (Warhammer 40K) are pretty good but you do have to wade through some shitty writing if you want to read the entire series. Also, the oft-mentioned Eisenhorn and Ravenor novels are good reads.

Alan Dean Foster's work, particularly his Pip and Flinx books, is good.

Forever War by Joe Haldeman.
Armor by John Steakley.
Permutation City by Greg Egan.
Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein.

Philip K Dick has written a bunch of good stuff which Hollywood has usually destroyed.

Frederick Pohl's Heechee series.

Debatable Space by Philip Palmer is kind of hit or miss from my experience. I like it but know people that absolutely detest it.

Grey by Jon Armstrong seems to have a similar response.

The Webmage series by Kelly McCullough.

The Silmarillion by Tolkien. If you enjoyed LOTR, you should definitely read this. The Children of Hurin too.

The Skyway series by John DeChancie.

Michael Crichton, anything before 2000 is solid. After that it is hit or miss.

Douglas Adams, pretty much anything he wrote. More humor than scifi/fantasy though.

The Shannara and The Word & Void series by Terry Brooks. The earlier books in Shannara are better but there is a 'neat' surprise later in the series.

Piers Anthony has some interesting stuff out their but it isn't for everyone. The Apprentice Adept series starts out good but gets pretty fuckin weird in the later books. The Incarnations of Immortality series is probably his best. Dead Like Me was based on the first book in that series. The Bio of a Space Tyrant series is also good but as with most of his work, tends to fall off towards the end. Xanth is good up until about book 12 or so and then it just gets old. He also wrote a series with Robert Margroff called The Adventures of Kelvin of Rud which is pretty good. He has some standalone stuff which is pretty good too. Off the top of my head: Chthon, Hard Sell, Triple Detente, Firefly.

If you are into mech type stuff, you may like some of the fiction written in the BattleTech universe. The Blood of Kerensky series by Michael Stackpole is good example. The Saga of the Grey Death Legion, The Warrior Trilogy and The Jade Phoenix Trilogy are worth checking out. One shot novels published prior to '93 were mostly good and after that things go downhill, with the exception of a few authors.

A lot of the Forgotten Realm's fiction is good too but I have those books in storage and haven't read them for years outside of some of Salvatore's work. Sounds like you probably are familiar with what's good there already anyway.
The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
I can't say enough about this series. Probably one of the best series I've ever read. He has written 12 novels in it so far and has plans for 8-10 more and then an apocalyptic trilogy to bring things to a close. Writes about a novel a year with a short story or two in between so should hold your interest for a while if you wind up liking him. Really hope he doesn't die before he finishes things.

I will second this wholeheartedly. The first couple books are slower and not as interesting as the later ones, but that is far more a testament to how good the later books are then the level of the initial books. I can't wait till the next book comes out in april. I'm trying to figure out how long I need to budget to re-reading the series before it comes out... SUDHLJKDGH. Scratch that. Just checked the exact date, and apparently yesterday it was bumped back to a late july release. God damn it.

And I read illium/olympos a month or so ago, and it is quite good. Not as good as hyperion/endymion, but solid.
I will second this wholeheartedly. The first couple books are slower and not as interesting as the later ones, but that is far more a testament to how good the later books are then the level of the initial books. I can't wait till the next book comes out in april. I'm trying to figure out how long I need to budget to re-reading the series before it comes out... SUDHLJKDGH. Scratch that. Just checked the exact date, and apparently yesterday it was bumped back to a late july release. God damn it.

And I read illium/olympos a month or so ago, and it is quite good. Not as good as hyperion/endymion, but solid.

Yeah, the first book was apparently like his college thesis or something basically. He has definitely come quite a ways since - he says some interesting stuff about writing on his blog thingy:

Jim's Livejournal.

And I guess there is a decent amoutn of people on these forums:
Jim Butcher

But yeah i heard about the next book too. I am on the final one now, but I never read Side Jobs or the one that is from Thomas' perspective so I will have to check those out.