do you support a perma banning of the garcias

permaban the garcias?

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Who are you kidding dude, seriously. Do you thinnk anyone believes a word you say? Why do you keep spouting bullshit?

Where's the money coming from to pay for that Samsung Galaxy S 3 you're posting from right now, go ahead and tell me. Does the money sprout out of your ass? No? Then you depend on someone else. Give me some straight talk mother fucker and be precise - how does your life not depend on others, I'd love to hear it.

Not trying to kid anyone. Did you ever bother to think that I really don't give a fuck if people believe anything I say? I'm a Minister. Not a Preacher. Preacher's depend upon belief. Ministers do not. I'm not spouting bullshit. I am just responding to the insane amount of stupidity that has been directed at me for years. The difference is I don't bitch about it like you do. So I don't have to spout bullshit but have taken note that many of you are experts at spouting bullshit.

Not that it is any of your business, but I bought my cell. Money doesn't spout out of my ass. It would be kinda cool if it did cause I could shit out a hundred and then wipe my ass with it. Yeah. That would be baddass. No I do not have to depend on anyone but me. Are you stupid? When you depend on others then you are dependent. When you depend on you then you become independent. I learned very long ago to never depend on anyone.

Oh you want some straight talk? Ok here is some precise straight talk motherfucker. You live in 2 prisons. One you can see. The other you can not. One prison is for your body. The other is for your mind. At least the hamster in the wheel doesn't posses the mental power to understand such things whereas you do. Unlike Mr Hamster you are limitless. Limitless to the extent you allow others to limit you with your very thought.

I don't expect you to comprehend what I am actually telling you but sometimes it's best when words have two meanings. I harbor no ill will towards you are any other TW posters with the earned exception of Dweasel, and JamesLames.

All I'm asking for is for everyone to please get off my dick until I install OSHA Approved Cock Rails on it. Thank you for your time.
imagine knowing TW is full of thousands of users

then imagine the owner is a complete pussy

not taking sides btw

just saying rayn is a fucking bitch pussy
tehvul gets his money from ssi he is disabled

he admitted to having the free park pass and everything
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Someone who sucks cocks for money is by no means independent. You are dependent on cock. Old man cock. I love your music though TheLuv!
if i found an overwhelming 90% opinion in favor I would do it, but there are valid opinions in favor not to, although they are a tiny minority and I'm not sure I agree with them. I still have to think about it, there's really a problem here and you guys who say there isn't really need to think about it for the good of the forum and for the good of the poster. this isn't some obnoxious troll, this is someone who is batshit insane. if you want to enable him and laugh, say so.

if you think you should just let him run rampant and derail every thread with inane nonsense and that's ok, say so. we have plenty of fucking terrible posters.

most of them don't threaten me with their delusional connections to government agencies , beg for permabans evenery holiday season, invite their family of degenerates to shit up our forum ad infinitum, or get their mom to threaten legal action against me because they indirectly wound up implying the wrong sibling was raped by their father.

On the other hand, some people watch Jerry Springer for that kind of shit and at some times I find it sadly pathetic and entertaining in the same way I find Togowack (to a lesser extend) to be hilarious in their illness.

However I still need to deal with overwhelming complaints regardless of my personal opinions on freedom of speech, censorship, and all that stupid bullshit. So I try to leave it to the group conscience to decide but I am still torn on what to do here.

We clearly have a cancer here that stands out by it's aggressive malignancy. While we have many other cancers here, this one chooses to be the doucheiest cancer of present note. What then, am I to do, among a population that celebrate freedom to say whatever the fuck they want whilst saying "well this one guy, he's just fucking ruining it for the people that are ruining it for the internet"

I don't know. I've always been inclined to let this place be self policing and find ways to remove people from the community that simply were not acceptable by your standards by whatever means you found necessary. So -- what do I do when that doesn't work?

Let's not get too hung up on principles here. We're talking about a family of degenerate, insane, assholes. We ban people here. We do not allow free speech. We're just more lax than most.

also fuck off i can't believe this thread generated so many replies

Managing an internet gaming forum must be a tough job ;)
