You can do a centerprint or a bottom print unless you make a hud specifically for the notifications. Then you could place it anywhere. You could also do a vhud and use windows fonts instead of being limited to tribes fonts. Post or pm me your config folder and I'll take a look and tell you your options.
Viking 4.0! woo!



You can do a centerprint or a bottom print unless you make a hud specifically for the notifications. Then you could place it anywhere. You could also do a vhud and use windows fonts instead of being limited to tribes fonts. Post or pm me your config folder and I'll take a look and tell you your options.

i switched mine to remoteEP from centerprint - much nicer
Anyone have a good pilotmode script that is still fully compatible and either manually toggles or even better does it only when flying a vehicle?

I miss max mouse sens scout flying.
Does anyone have a 1680x1050 hud that they wouldn't mind sharing? I'm getting kind of tired pressing "k" to shift my hud around every time I load the game.
Anyone have a good pilotmode script that is still fully compatible and either manually toggles or even better does it only when flying a vehicle?

I miss max mouse sens scout flying.

// random
// Toggle key to boost mouse sensitivity for better vehicle operation.

// --------------------------------------------------
// pilot mode for fsbutt-spy
// --------------------------------------------------

// pilot-mode sensitivity (mess around w/ sens until you get a good setting)
$PilotSens = "150";
//$normalSens = "6";
$normalSens = Client::getMouseSensitivity("playMap.sae") * 5000;

// DONT edit this line

// pilot-mode bind
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "l", TO, "PilotMode::Toggle();");
bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "l", TO, "$Null = \"\";");

// just type sensitivity(6); if you want 6 mouse sensitivity in console
// or 3.5 for 3.5 sens, etc
// sensitivity(); echos your current mouse sensitivity

function sensitivity(%newSens)
	if (%newSens != "")
		%sens = %newSens / 5000;
		bindAction(mouse, xaxis, TO, IDACTION_YAW, scale, %sens, flip);
		if(Client::getMouseYAxisFlip("playMap.sae") == "TRUE")
			bindAction(mouse, yaxis, TO, IDACTION_PITCH, scale, %sens);
			bindAction(mouse, yaxis, TO, IDACTION_PITCH, scale, %sens, flip);
		if (!$oldSens)
			echo("Sensitivity changed to " @ %newSens @ ".");
		else if ($oldSens == %newSens)
			echo("Sensitivity unchanged from " @ %newSens @ ".");
			echo("Sensitivity changed from " @ $oldSens @ " to " @ %newSens @ ".");
			$oldSens = %newSens;
	else if (!$oldSens)
		echo("Current sensitivity is " @ Client::getMouseSensitivity("playMap.sae") * 5000 @ ".");
		echo("Current sensitivity is " @ $oldSens @ ".");

// pilot mode

function PilotMode()
	if ($PilotMode == "1")
function PilotMode::Toggle()
   $PilotMode = !$PilotMode;
   remoteBP(2048, "<jc><f2>PilotMode:<f1> " @ boolStr($PilotMode) @ "<f2>.", 2);

function boolStr(%bool)
   if( %bool )
      return "Enabled";
   else if ( !%bool )
      return "Disabled";
      return "wtf?";

$PilotMode = "0";

Bound to "L" by default.