[relationships]Jesus h Christ


Milosevic was not found guilty of committing genocide. Even the UN agreed:


He was protecting his country.

Well, I guess being to busy to keep up .........
So I put my foot in my mouth. ok .......

But still..... 10k peeps ( at a time) weemans anna young chillun?
Witout weapons?
So how duya "rationalize" it ......... speeding them onward to ALLAH ?

So what you say about any "relationship"

not what has been done
but rather

to "think" why da "dirty" can be ok?
Dweas, read my post after the one you quoted. There are no real numbers. The whole story was embellished. Serbs killed Albanians. Albanians killed Serbs. It was a war. People are going to die. There were no mass graves (except for mass graves of Serbs found in Kosovo). We picked the wrong side. Being a proud nation, we will never admit that mistake.
i guess im lucky

i got to hang with JD and Fonz when I have a GF, and she didn't care.. in fact she wanted to say hi to JD.

Back to topic now that the lil boys have had their pedophile vs drunk pissing contest.

I have no relationship with Christ because of the following reasons.

1. He was not the literally the only "Son of God". He knew like I do that we are all children of God. Jesus himself referred to himself as the "Son of Man'.

2. The New Testament is full of contradictions. Plus Peter was a power hungry asshole, but a good politician.

3. I know that the "Holy Trinity" was stolen from Pagans that had a "Triple Goddess" system of worship. "Maiden, Mother, Crone"= "Father, Son, Holy Ghost". Which was done to take away from females who hold the true power.

4. Jesus was in Egypt during his "missing years" learning the mysteries. His abilities to turn wine into water, and his other "miracles" were learned there. I have no doubt he could walk on water and that some of his disciples did too as is written in the New Testament.

Power comes from within, and with access to the proper knowledge, and the proper training of the mind, and "soul" in conjunction with that knowledge the power one can exude is truly "miraculous". One of my long time mentors made me a believer of the power of the mind, and "soul" with his knowledge in San Francisco.

5. Jesus spoke in parables. The reason he spoke in parables is because the ones who were smart enough to figure them out were the ones who were actually able to do something with the words he spoke. A good modern day example is the Denver Airport. Which is filled with physical parables that act as clues to the answer which lies in the heart of the Denver Airport.

6. Christianity is based off of basic Astrology.

7. There is a plethora of knowledge not available to the average person. There are those with PHD's upon PHD's in all kinds of studies that will never have the true knowledge.

8. I know for a fact to get to God you don't have to go "through the Son".

9. Christianity is social engineering as are most modern day religions. Whose true purpose are political and financial gain. Lest we not forget control of the population.

10. We all are God's already. We were all made in the image of God. It's up to each of us individually to take that image, and seek the true knowledge. So that we can live up to what we were designed for.
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