[Official] Suggestion Box

Rayn... I propose Zopharoth's Domain for TW. I'd organize stupid games such as TW Survivor where members would VOTE ONE PERSON OFF THE "ISLAND" each week until one remained. Or a game like TW Horse where teams would be three members each and would compete for "popularity votes" each week for the win. Or the "Your Penis" awards where members can nominate other members for recognition.

Such bullshit would be VERY THREAD INTENSIVE and would require a separate sub forum. If you wonder what this would be like IRL, then consider my previous work on another forum... Board Message

This would be stupid, pointless, inane, and perhaps amusing. Perfect for TW?
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Rayn... I propose Zopharoth's Domain for TW. I'd organize stupid games such as TW Survivor where members would VOTE ONE PERSON OFF THE "ISLAND" each week until one remained. Or a game like TW Horse where teams would be three members each and would compete for "popularity votes" each week for the win. Or the "Your Penis" awards where members can nominate other members for recognition.

Such bullshit would be VERY THREAD INTENSIVE and would require a separate sub forum. If you wonder what this would be like IRL, then consider my previous work on another forum... Board Message

This would be stupid, pointless, inane, and perhaps amusing. Perfect for TW?
Rayn... I propose Zopharoth's Domain for TW. I'd organize stupid games such as TW Survivor where members would VOTE ONE PERSON OFF THE "ISLAND" each week until one remained. Or a game like TW Horse where teams would be three members each and would compete for "popularity votes" each week for the win. Or the "Your Penis" awards where members can nominate other members for recognition.

Such bullshit would be VERY THREAD INTENSIVE and would require a separate sub forum. If you wonder what this would be like IRL, then consider my previous work on another forum... Board Message

This would be stupid, pointless, inane, and perhaps amusing. Perfect for TW?

That's an interesting idea but I don't think people would cooperate.

Many would not cooperate. A "Zopharoth's Domain" subforum may crash and burn here. Hecklers would flood the threads with "Ban Dis Meber" posts. But this possibility alone makes it worth a try. If it does fail spectacularly, at least Zopharoth's Domain would be a temporary point of interest.

There are only two drawbacks that I can speculate.

1. More members will "want their own forums."

2. All of the female members will want to have my baby.

This was a risky suggestion. You could have had me infracted for spamming. But if given the responsibilty of organizing such a venture, I promise to try to make it work.
Many would not cooperate. A "Zopharoth's Domain" subforum may crash and burn here. Hecklers would flood the threads with "Ban Dis Meber" posts. But this possibility alone makes it worth a try. If it does fail spectacularly, at least Zopharoth's Domain would be a temporary point of interest.

There are only two drawbacks that I can speculate.

1. More members will "want their own forums."

2. All of the female members will want to have my baby.

This was a risky suggestion. You could have had me infracted for spamming. But if given the responsibilty of organizing such a venture, I promise to try to make it work.

Hmm.. This actually doesn't sound like a bad idea, Rayn. I think we should do it. Sure, some won't cooperate, but some will. The ones that won't will just ignore it completely, like they do for every other subforum they're not interested in. It's worth a trial, at least.
Rayn... I propose Zopharoth's Domain for TW. I'd organize stupid games such as TW Survivor where members would VOTE ONE PERSON OFF THE "ISLAND" each week until one remained. Or a game like TW Horse where teams would be three members each and would compete for "popularity votes" each week for the win. Or the "Your Penis" awards where members can nominate other members for recognition.
Well, all of these ideas sound pretty bad to me, and they could already be done in GD.
I know as a member my suggestion probably means dick, but I'll throw it out anyway:

It'd be nice to have a link back to the forum from the profile webpage.
A way to vote/bump good quality threads to the frontpage? maybe have it set to only show game related stories, but have the option to include hot threads (especially story related).

I've seen so many good threads that had the potential to be on the homepage.
A way to vote/bump good quality threads to the frontpage? maybe have it set to only show game related stories, but have the option to include hot threads (especially story related).

I've seen so many good threads that had the potential to be on the homepage.

you mean like the tw icon next to the quote button?
it wasn't actively removed it just wasn't in the base template for this version when we created the skin

at this point, the html for the skins has become so complicated I don't have a good way to edit them because it seems like every change i make breaks something else. I'm not very good with CSS.
it wasn't actively removed it just wasn't in the base template for this version when we created the skin

at this point, the html for the skins has become so complicated I don't have a good way to edit them because it seems like every change i make breaks something else. I'm not very good with CSS.

In the same vein, you can no longer use the "show threads from: last week/month/year/etc." Normally not a big deal, but when going to HoF you can't see any threads ever unless you switch back to tw liquid.