[T:V] The little things you'd like.

Thrax Panda said:
Because of #3 we can't even guantee that the end location of a body will be close to the same from machine to machine. Where your PC thinks you are, where the server thinks you are, and where my PC thinks you are, could very likely be three different things. probably very close things, but a difference of a few centemeters could make the difference between you boucing off a wall or hitting the corner and wrapping around. So when you get up now you'd be several meters away from where I or the server thought you were.

So how is that going to affect scavenging equipment from dead bodies? If the body isn't rendering on my screen where the server thinks it is, i'm going to have a hell of a time picking up some more disks.
I bet this has already been mentioned before (but not in this thread) -- please make the client chat menu entirely customizable, much like it was in T1. I should be able to put in any text I want, and attach a sound file to it through some sort of editor or GUI. And I really hope you bring back the classic T1 taunts and expressions -- and add more! :)
Text filtering in chat would be nice. aka you could define a preset filter (filter out death messages, name changes, join/parts etc) or make your own so whenever guy A says something it'd filter his message out. this could be used for muting too, and would be generally extensible...
a more extensive options menu. too many games give an advantage to people who know how to script/tweak/edit.

a good server browser that makes it easy for people to get started playing and have fun. I know this is an extremely tough one. The only game I can think of that allows for very easy multiplayer access is warcraft3. You press a button, choose a few preferences and you're off. You probably could'nt translate this to tribes though, as the way the game is played out is entirely different.

still worth thinking about.
jsut said:
So how is that going to affect scavenging equipment from dead bodies? If the body isn't rendering on my screen where the server thinks it is, i'm going to have a hell of a time picking up some more disks.

I think they might drop an ammo or weapons container. Or you may not be able to pick up ammo (that could really help with heavies massing up in your base).
Apotheosis said:
I bet this has already been mentioned before (but not in this thread) -- please make the client chat menu entirely customizable, much like it was in T1. I should be able to put in any text I want, and attach a sound file to it through some sort of editor or GUI. And I really hope you bring back the classic T1 taunts and expressions -- and add more! :)

This is a huge one!!!!!
...more expanded on the colored IFF.

i would like way to waypoint ur buddies that you select, ie, right clicking from CC, and when you do have there IFF change to like yellow.
Got Haggis? said:
uh, do you even play tribes? or are you just on crack....the tribes server browsers have always been excellent.

Just to add on this the T1 server browser is still the best and most functional I've ever seen in a FPS game.
Got Haggis? said:
uh, do you even play tribes? or are you just on crack....the tribes server browsers have always been excellent.

Amen. Every Time I open up another games multiplay server browser I go "bleh and SHAZBOT" in my head.

Dreaded's script pack server browser modifications were rocking though. He sorted the players on the server into teams and arranged them by scores, put little arrows next to your buddies, and added alot of features to the joining of servers. Features like: password saving, auto-join retry, and others. Those things would be nice to have built-in.
Zoolooman said:
1. ^# or <xmltag> system of coloring names, chat, and other silly things. I'd love to have a small smattering of colors available to color my player name with, or to emphasize text with. ^6Z^2oolooman would suddenly become: Zoolooman

2. Several levels of zoom when observing.

3. Follow the objective (flag/whatever) observing. :x

4. 32 character max for a player name. If you use a font that isn't fixed width, this means that the longest possible name will consist of 32 capital Ms. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM That is because M is more often than not the widest letter (along with W) in a font that isn't fixed width.

5. XML/RSS information we can parse in a PHP webpage to collect and display information about a server. (This can probably be scripted by the community as a server mutator. Whatever.)

6. The advanced option to choose which weapons are visible (instead of all weapons drawn or all weapons not drawn.)

7. Easy custom reticles.

8. The ability to change your name in the console when it isn't in tournament mode (with a 30 second wait of course - fucking name spammers).

9. SPRAY DECALS (This last one is a joke, as I'm betting it isn't as easy to implement as the ones above. It also opens the door to porn sprays... blech. It's too bad, because sprays/armbands/symbols/etc that everyone can see are pretty fun. DO NOT DERAIL THIS THREAD WITH SPRAYS. THEY WOULD BE A THREAD IN AND OF THEMSELVES.)

Any other things you think will probably be already half made during development that would make nifty little options in a Tribes game?

Quote for emphasis.

Customizable sections of the default skins, say like a black on transparent 7k section (thinking DAoC here) that EVERYONE would see in the server, regardless of whether they had the team's skin would be sweet.

I also would find it fucking awesome to spray a "i am inside ur base killin ur doods" decal all over the inside of the enemy gen room.
This depends on your perspective. It's probably very close to a high percent 80-90%ish if you look at the competitive community. (Which entails most all of TW/TWL), if you look at the non competitive community then no they probably don't have much installed at all.

Thrax Panda said:
I demand proof of this 90% claim. My guess would be that removal of the zero would be more accurate.