Tribes 20th Anniversary - November 30th to December 2nd (updated info!)

was fun last night i got to turret farm for like an hour in a full base server

id say its been a good 10+ years since i last did that

Wish I could be playing. Don't want to put the time in yet and waiting until next summer when I am more settled in our new home and retired. I will return to tribes with a new throttle, keyboard, and my mouse. Have fun everybody!!!
Played a few matches today. Good times. We got some deep cuts in the rotation, like Desert of Death. Haven't played that in a solid 15+ years probably.
I really enjoyed playing. If I was a young single man with no kids I would have dedicated about ten more hours of game play to my weekend. I was able to get my daughter on to play though which was cool.
I had a blast playing.. Only was able to play for a few hours this weekend but I was able to enjoy myself.. Good times!