some LOLS at


Veteran XV
This is the latest they have to say about me

And push he did with his response style that was basically just posting a one sentence discussion cock block every single goddamned time.

Besides, I'm pretty sure he was just trolling anyway. I don't have anything solid, unfortunately. But I found it odd that he read the forum rules. No one ever reads those things, to the moderators' chagrin. That's because we all already think we know how to act on a forum, that is, not act like a twat. The specific rules are usually unnecessary most of the time. But a troll will read the rules because they plan to push the boundaries and thus need to know what the boundaries are. He appears to be a rope limit troll who pushes regulars and admins into breaking the letter of the law so he can point it out like a smug little blundercunt and maybe get someone in trouble while he strangled a chicken. And push he did with his response style that was basically just posting a one sentence discussion cock block every single goddamned time. He'd prattle on about god just enough to make you think he was a theists, but the bulk of the time, his responses were just evasive. I caught his foul stench in the other thread when Jason Harvestdancer gave him a fairly nice analogy for how evolution works and his response was "I don't like analogies." What? That's kind of stupid. Analogies are an important learning tool for illustrating unfamiliar concepts. To just dismiss analogies out of hand like that is kind of weird.

So, yeah, no way to know for sure, but I think he was just playing us like a cracked, leathery skinflute. Wouldn't shock me if he was also a sock.

My conclusion of this matter is that Rayn is a very conservative and tolerant admin, I consider it a privilege to be able to post here. They IP banned me just a few minutes ago, but DSL permits me to keep going if i wanted
I dunno but this spartmarzipan chick had nothing on me and went ahead with IP ban after a record... 66 posts

none of which were incriminating at all
this is the only major religion site I know of, what I want is a winning strategy. I knew today that i would have to stay off there for a day or even a week to let their temperature drop. Didn't hold off though, I've circumvented their IP ban

hey guys this image is only semi nws because it doesnt actually show jesus penetrating the baby
This was awesome right here...

holyman: dunno?

Admin: You're outta here.

now I could have entertained her for a bit, maybe said I have no problems with evolution (ban) bottom line is she is a hypocrite and i dont want to acknowledge her existence