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the colored skins is just a 3d max alteration.... its coloration applied from 3d max..... its quite ugly... its a skinless model and can never be skinned. however i could make a translucent model... which in fact may look kinda kool... i even made a big headed model once......... was quite funny if you ask me;)
new config... minimalistic++

all scripts = 5KB


almost finished with this thing. added a flag "hud"... it's the ret in the middle. it changes depending on the status of my flag.

solid green = home
hollow green = dropped
red = taken

I don't care about the enemy flag because as a capper/escort I know 98% of the time where the enemy flag is dropped... in fact I'm usually accused of cheating :(

when I'm done expect a release

Rosco-SS said:

Ya this config is old, the only new thing about it are the HUDbot skins and radar.

I like it plain and simple.

Stripped + my stuff

possible link / host of your hudbot and skins and radar? :sunny: