Napalm Bomb

How do you get Naplalm Bomb out of that?

I think we're talking about a flamethrower in this case.
It would be fine if it didn't set things on fire, but it would be really cheap to just light your flagstand on fire so cappers are guaranteed to take damage.
It's next gen plasma gun. I was skeptical at first too, but we really can't judge it just yet. We have no idea what kind of damage the fire wall is going to do, we don't know the stopping power, the ammo limitations. Plus if they don't like it (irrational) they'll scrap it.

I'm not too worried.
Shinigami said:
Yes, we all know how much Thrax hates skilless weapons.

That's actually a very good point which I had not considered. Thrax has said "no" outright to the auto aiming missle laucher. So I doubt the flamer is going to be an infinity death gun.
Sounds like a spamming kind of weapon. I have mucho faith in Thrax and Kp tho (dunno about irrational, they don't post here).

BTW was I the only one who wished Thrax would have been less polite in that interview? Maybe a bit of the trademark sarcasm? Ah well.
what i invision is it doing almost no damage to you unless you stand in it
so a capper moving through it at high speeds would barely be scathed
i think it would be use more as a smoke scree type thing in hallways
you lay down a bunch of flames so they cant see you

just some pure speculation
the maps will prolly be open anyway, I don't think the maps will be like sanctuary in T2. So lighting your stand on fire won't do much
this weapon would take skill, if there's a guy skiing down a hill, you have to judge where to shoot based on where you think he's going to be. What I don't see is how this would be more effective than a different weapon in any situation.
Acronym Definition
DOT Department Of Transportation
DOT Damage Over Time (Everquest)
DOT Date of Termination
DOT Date of Theft
DOT Date of Transplanting
DOT Deed of Trust
DOT Deep Ocean Technology/Transponder
DOT Delivered on Time
DOT Department Of Telecommunications
DOT Department of the Treasury
DOT Department of Tourism
DOT Department of Trade
DOT Department of Transport
DOT Designated Order Turnaround (NYSE trading method)
DOT Designating Optical Tracker
DOT Dictionary Of Occupational Titles
DOT Diocese of Torit
DOT Direction of Travel
DOT Directly Observed Therapy
DOT Director of Technology
DOT Director Of Training
DOT Director On Target
DOT Directory of Trades
DOT Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate
DOT Division Officer Training
DOT Document Template (filename extension for Microsoft Word template)
DOT Duration Of Therapy
DOT Dynamic Object Technology

any of those apply? I don't know what he's trying to say either.

EDIT: Wait. I think it's number 2 :p
Yes, Damage Over Time, and there is nothing stupid about it, you're used to it in many contexts in FPS gaming. Water does DOT once you run out of air. Standing in fire does DOT. Being set on fire or covered in green goo does DOT. There is nothing earthshaking about DOT in a FPS.