After heightfield is imported...



I can't edit the terrain (smooth etc) after i import my heightfield. I can apply textures though. If i close the map and open it the terrain/heightfield is gone. What step am i skipping?

I could also use a program that will let me save BMPs in the right format, because currently the imported heightfields are not smooth terrain.
are you sure you selected terrain and painting in the terrain editor? you may still be selecting textures.

i dont know my self, i haven yet experimented with importing hieghtmaps
Make sure you import the hieghtmap to myLevel, and then save the texture package myLevel before exiting. That would probably help.
You also have to right-click the heightfield in the texture browser (should be under the myLevel package if you're doing things right), and choose convert->G16. Then, making sure that the heightfield is selected from the texture browser, open the terrain tools and right-click the terrain heightfield info, choosing 'Set heightfield from current' (or something similar to that).
thank you!!! i've made maps for unreal and tribes 2 before but it just gets confusing when you combine the two hah.