[T1] request - stand alone script for drop items


Veteran X
I'm using SeVeReD's config which is based off Andrews. There's "items.asc.cs" in the modules folder but it doesn't seem to be working.

anyone has a stand alone script for drop items such as repair kit, mines, etc? Appreciate it!!
i'm talking about drop repair KIT and mines, not throwing mines or dropping repair PACK. there are no fields in the option screen you can setup drop repair kit and mines...i dont think. i'm at work so can't check it now, but I"m sure there aren't fields for that.
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad+", TO, "drop(\"Repair Kit\");");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpadenter", TO, "drop(\"mine\");");
NOVA|lam bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad+", TO, "drop(\"Repair Kit\");");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpadenter", TO, "drop(\"mine\");");

Thanks NOva. I added the lines to config.cs but it did not work...
SuperSlug, here is items.acs.cs that I have in the modules folder, assuming this is the function should be used when dropping mines and repair kit... I tried to bind this but I get an error message in console saying "unknown command".

function kModule::Drop(%mines, %rep)
if (%mines)
for(%i=0;%i<3;%i++) {drop("mine");}

if (%rep)
drop("repair kit");
wtf stupid little face. let me post again

function kModule::Drop(%mines, %rep)
	if (%mines)
		for(%i=0;%i<3;%i++) {drop("mine");}

	if (%rep)
		drop("repair kit");
function kModule::Drop(%mines, %rep)
	if (%mines)
		for(%i=0;%i<3;%i++) {drop("mine");}

	if (%rep)
		drop("repair kit");

For that code, you would have to pass a value with the function. Ex: kModule::drop(1,1); and bind that to a key. Otherwise, the if statement would return false since there is no value for %mines and %rep.
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, control, $Key::Dump, TO, "Dump();");
bindCommand(keyboard0, break, control, $Key::Dump, TO, "");
$Key::Dump = "g";
function Dump() {
 remoteEval(2048, lmsg, death);
 for(%cnt = 1; %cnt <= 20; %cnt++){
		Drop("Repair Kit");
		Drop("Mortar Ammo");
		Drop("Grenade Ammo"); } }

I wrote this 5 years ago. I don't understand it now lol.