Tribes : Ascend

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And yeah, I'm badmouthing their decisions, but I'd plop down $50 bucks to play it right now, too, as much as I hate what they've done with the series. It's f'ing Tribes...even if only in name, I'm going to play it.

doing this would be counter productive. at this point the 'gold vision' is finalized. meaning they are going to ramrod this stupid abortion of a game down our throats. you saying you'll gladly pay $50 so that you can devour this digital defecation isn't going to help change the game from this abortion to something that might actually get played by more than a handful of players.

don't give them any fucking money! sit there, wait for the fucking open beta, and then bash the fuck out of whatever you don't like.

lining up to pay for something you don't like just because it has the name tribes on it? no, don't fucking do that you moron speak with your wallet.
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DJ strength, chasing, stand-still momentum has been tweaked. - Good to hear

Main goal of loadout system was to introduce a class-based system to Tribes; feel it will make gameplay more interesting. Customization not in the foreseeable future. If players were given complete weapon freedom, a dominant strategy would emerge and it would no longer be a class-based game. - Fucking .. idiots. Tribes didn't have classes, they're cramming them in. Stupid move. It caters to every other FPS on the market when it wasn't needed. Fucks sake. :disgust:

Disc+2 system: Lot of discussion in the studio. Giving every class a disc hurts its distinctiveness (both the class and spinfusor). At least 3 loadouts have a spinfusor. - Again, fucking idiots.

I'm currently listening to the interview. Christ I don't think I can facepalm hard enough.
oh and i disagree saintdude, tribes always had classes. there were 3 base classes and then from there weapons + role further defined the 'classes' but the system was free flowing.
doing this would be counter productive. at this point the 'gold vision' is finalized. meaning they are going to ramrod this stupid abortion of a game down our throats. you saying you'll gladly pay $50 so that you can devour this digital defecation isn't going to help change the game from this abortion to something that might actually get played by more than a handful of players.

don't give them any fucking money! sit there, wait for the fucking open beta, and then bash the fuck out of whatever you don't like.

lining up to pay for something you don't like just because it has the name tribes on it? no, don't fucking do that you moron speak with your wallet.

As I said on the main forums...that may make all my bitchin irrelevant in a way that doesn't do Tribes fans very much credit, but honestly, they've kinda got us by the balls there.

I'd rather play something that is a half-baked Tribes at this point than another BF3 or Rage.

Even with the loadouts, classes, still enough of Tribes that it's pretty much going to be better than half the shiat that's out there right now. Hell man, I dunno...I want to play a new Tribes. I've been jonesing for it for years now. Alot of people have.

That interview was full of crap that pissed me off, but what the hell am I gonna do? Not play it? Not try it out?

Fawk me, but I can't do that...I gotta see what it's all about and whether I'm going to like it or not. I've gotta play it and make my own mind out about it, and I wanna play it RIGHT now.
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oh and i disagree saintdude, tribes always had classes. there were 3 base classes and then from there weapons + role further defined the 'classes' but the system was free flowing.

I never considered the armor types classes. They were foundations to build on. I guess it's just semantics but I never even thought of Tribes having an assault class, a medic, a recon etc etc.
heaps of the changes suk but its tribes so ill play, especially after checking out bf3 beta

lets face it bad tribes is alot better than good *generic war fps*

i sorta see tribes as class based, snipa light d HoF etc but not as limited as in TA obviously
I'm anxious to see how the balancing of the classes to get them up and moving from a standstill without a disc goes. If I can have the utility afforded by the disc without the disc...I don't think I'll miss it too much when I decide to play a class without it. Will I miss it? Of course. But I'm more open now that at least a few of the points Oxy brings up about having a disc have been addressed. While they're not listening to us on all (admittedly some very important) points, they are listening somewhat. And I respect that.

Do I think they're fuckin' up? Yes.
Do I think this could work? ....Yes.

I'm not paying for beta though. I'll get in when I get in and decide from there.
stop thinking this is tribes #x

Think of it as a completely new fps game with jetpacks, ctf, and teamplay and judge it off that. Also be thankful that its not yet another realism fps shooter. I mean, otherwise I guess you could go and play all those other many, many great mutiplayer FPS games that arent modern-realism based instead, since there's such a huge selection :rolleyes:
As I said on the main forums...that may make all my bitchin irrelevant in a way that doesn't do Tribes fans very much credit, but honestly, they've kinda got us by the balls there.

I'd rather play something that is a half-baked Tribes at this point than another BF3 or Rage.

Even with the loadouts, classes, still enough of Tribes that it's pretty much going to be better than half the shiat that's out there right now. Hell man, I dunno...I want to play a new Tribes. I've been jonesing for it for years now. Alot of people have.

That interview was full of crap that pissed me off, but what the hell am I gonna do? Not play it? Not try it out?

Fawk me, but I can't do that...I gotta see what it's all about and whether I'm going to like it or not. I've gotta play it and make my own mind out about it, and I wanna play it RIGHT now.
do not pay for something you don't like just because it says tribes on it especially since they're going to give it away fro free.

you fucking be patient and wait!

ffs the only power you have is your wallet make them build a good product before you give them money. allowing you early beta access if you spend money for their free to play game ... that should tell you something right fucking there.
This is what I basically heard:

- spinfusor hurts the game if everyone has it
- "freedom to play without a spinfusor if you don't want to" <--- direct fucking quote
- classes, classes, classes, classes (mushroom, mushroom)
- justification, dodge, justification
- hitscan to attract CoD idiots
- "we ARE listening, no really, we are"
do not pay for something you don't like just because it says tribes on it especially since they're going to give it away fro free.

you fucking be patient and wait!

ffs the only power you have is your wallet make them build a good product before you give them money. allowing you early beta access if you spend money for their free to play game ... that should tell you something right fucking there.

You are correct, good sir. I think I need to take my meds now after sitting back and thinking about it. Fawk me...I just want some new Tribes lovin'....I feel like a crack addict that needs his fix!
Wait so they want to give freedom to players by not having the spinfusor in every load out, but force the player into predefined roles with non-customizable weapon slots?

Having customizable load outs and balanced weapons would give the player freedom and is proven to work based on the other games.

Why can't they just have weapon/armor unlocks and or even have customizable load outs when you reach a certain level?
Summary of Todd's comments:

Closed beta: Friday, November 4th.

DJ strength, chasing, stand-still momentum has been tweaked.


In my opinion this is so critical. This is what made Legions and TV less appealing than T1 or T2C. There was something about the physics in darkstar and torque that just lended itself well to a good balance between chasing, momentum and speed. If the skiing is uber easy and super fast it destroys chasing. If its fast and your momentum poops out too quickly it kills chasing. If its too slow it borks the intensity of the game. Glad to hear it was brought up in alpha testing.

The other stuff with the loadout limits and fixed classes ruins everything else. Heck Id pay just so I can customize my own frickin armor any way I want.
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Why can't they just have weapon/armor unlocks and or even have customizable load outs when you reach a certain level?

that was my thinking, if they want to monestise it make it u get 1 custom loadout every X number of paid unlocks

only thing is then is that going down the path of pay2win (that im not hugely against)
that was my thinking, if they want to monestise it make it u get 1 custom loadout every X number of paid unlocks

only thing is then is that going down the path of pay2win (that im not hugely against)

Could have just gone the Valve TF2 route. Random unlocks or pay for them. Or trade them. Or craft them. Valve seems to be doing just fine this way right now. I have a stupid amount of fun with odd weapon choices in that game.
I simply don't understand how fixed classes versus customizing your armor forces more teamwork? I think that is pure bullshit. I can still join TA, pick some class and go do whatever the hell I want. The difference is that I cannot customize my loadout to my preference.

They are simply doing classes for two reasons. Because everybody else is doing it in current games, and its a key source for payments.
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