[Official] The Green Room

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well we are probably going to do it inside, or we'll be going outside if it's nice out which it may be this weekend. the temp has been going up. but i'm not sure if we have a safe outdoor spot for that long. i'll try to figure something out. danke for the advice.
well we are probably going to do it inside, or we'll be going outside if it's nice out which it may be this weekend. the temp has been going up. but i'm not sure if we have a safe outdoor spot for that long. i'll try to figure something out. danke for the advice.

I'm not sure you really understand what's going to happen. Do you have sober sitter?
Tripping is not just being fucked up, its fucked up in a different way completely. Its like a temporary realignment of perception, not just a buzz.

Edit: The idea with that is that you are not going to be a functional judge of what is or is not a good idea.
i know, i was going to do it earlier this year but decided not to. i really want to be outside for this, so i don't freak out indoors.
Well, in that case. Have a sober sitter, for sure. One with a car and a level head, he will become your voice of logic because he's still on this planet.
Anyways, the best way to avoid a bad trip or the consequences of felonious drug possession and public consumption, is not to do it. And at your age, its not something you really need to be doing anyways. You should wait till you're older.
thanks dad

edit: i only want to try this once, and then i'm done with it. i'm done with bud for a long, long while. i'm getting a job soon and i need to be clean.
i'm a B student, i have a pretty good life, and i enjoy some bud now and then to relieve stress. i'm trying this once, and then i'm never going near mind expanding drugs again. i'm getting a job soon also, WADYA WANT FROM ME. i'm a rebellious teenager. waka waka.
its pretty hard to get arrested for shrooms. all you ahve to do is eat them when the cops come

now if you have a whole ounec of them on you...
Then they pull you out of the car or whatever and wrestle you while you've got shit in your mouth and if you spit one bit of it out. See you in a year.

And vintage, your "one time and never again" doesn't work. Especially at your age. I don't care what kind of student you are or if you're being "rebellious", its just a really poor idea.

What do you want out of life?
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