Hey, meo twoo!

Did you know that if you rearrange the letters in Ash Parnal, you can picture this

Wait...o noes...theres actually a thing called anal fistula?

I feel like cartman when he met the butthead people.

I may never laugh again.
Yah - it's like when your hot dog casing bursts around the end. Don't mix it up with fisting.
I discovered a TW feature because of this thread....

You can add/remove space from the quick reply window.

I learned about my ass and I also feel more confident today.
Thanks TW
But...but....i have now seen the funniest thing I will ever see. There is no more reason to live. Quick, somebody turn me into Mixge (or w/e) and kill me.
It's like hidden; almost the same color as background. I found it once a long time ago, but had forgotten about it.
Those arrows have been there for at least 15 years.

You guys aren't very observant.
It's 3 o'clock in the morning and I can't stop wondering about my anal fistula. I had to wash my hands just thinking about that. Euw. I'm gonna go was my hands again.