Bitcoin Surge

The machine is gr8. Mine is mint condition. Just descaled, changed group head gasket and changed the shower screen
Buy natural citric acid and just throw two spoon fulls in the water reservoir. U run the brew button so the water gets in the boiler and once it does leave it there over night by turning machine off. Next day u just run most of that water through and voila

If you never cleaned your shower screen it must be clogged and black by now
I clean the screen

I also use filtered soft water so I suspect I don't have much scale build up. I'll do that shit anyway tho
Like you actually unscrewed the screen and clean the brass piece attached to it??

I use filtered too but after a few years it surely builds up
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Like you actually unscrewed the screen and clean the brass piece attached to it??

I use filtered too but after a few years it surely builds up
Yeah of course

I give the whole thing a detailed cleaning and disassembly every once in a while. Just haven't descaled
Off the grid power needs will catalyze development of wind and solar technologies. Paying for centralized utilities really cuts into the profit margins of miners.

But Liberal cucks are going to cuck. :shrug: