You raff yuo roose v.3871

The Babylon Bee: Snopes Introduces New 'Factually Inaccurate But Morally Right' Fact Check Result

Popular fact-checking site confirmed Wednesday they are debuting a new "Factually inaccurate but morally right" fact check result for claims they don't want to debunk because they coincide with Snopes editors' worldview.

The fact-checking website will now label inaccurate claims that they deem "morally right" with the new label, giving public figures whose hearts are in the right place a pass.

"We were often running into situations were a truth claim was absolutely absurd, but it supported progressive causes," said one Snopes editor. "So sometimes we just called it a 'Mixture,' but then people might get the idea that our favorite politicians are being slightly dishonest sometimes."

The editor then said that upon hearing Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's recent statement that many people are more concerned with being factually accurate than morally right, the Snopes fact-checking team suddenly had an idea: they could label things as being morally laudable even though the facts upon which they were based are totally erroneous.

"So like, if someone says communism is the most humane political and economic system, like, there are facts that contradict with that, sure," said one writer. "But the person is obviously compassionate for wanting people to share and stuff. So we'll just slap the new 'factually wrong but morally great' label on the claim, and then people won't feel like they have to disregard the entirely false claim."

The new label has been used 17 times on Snopes today alone.

So crazy that it could be true. You know, because we live in the South Park universe.
I know it's supposed to be satire, but it's been the truth for far too long. I remember old nutcase Bernie Sanders saying one thing and it being labeled true but when Trump said it, it earned a mostly false rating.
This is what you get when you "Fact Check" a satire website. You are made fodder for more satire. Especially when you attempt to go to war with court jesters.
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also snopes doesn't have editors

its one dude living in seattle who runs it out of his house w his wife
His second wife you mean. His first wife left him and Snopes because he was spending hundreds of thousands on hookers, then he married one.
One thing you can pick up from liberals is that they have a very high degree of trust in bullshit websites.

I've gotten into debates then they pull out a link from the SPLC ect like they've just made some home-run counter argument. It's so sad.
The source is always shit though.

One popular one are the reports on the rising far-right violence. SPLC made a report, GAO, I think one other. If you dig in the examples they count are just bullsit.

One example I found had a brown hispanic kill another brown hispanic. The brown murderer visited a white nationalist website before. Even though that had nothing to do with the brown on brown crime, it was counted as a white nationalist murder.

The left never looks into this stuff.

Remember the "Russian bots?" It was some Soros funded company that would report numbers of alleged Russian bots, but never give example. It would just say there were X number of bots in this month with no evidence or citations ect. The next day the media is all over it and to this day liberals still talk about it with a high degree of smug confidence. It's so weird.