Networking and cat5 questions

The network jacks are probably hidden behind an excess of apostrophes.


Jeez your wife has aged badly, she really let herself go once you bought her that nice house.

ho playbook dude
man, that is cold. attacking a guys momma :(

my dogs name is Oswald Cobblepot lol. We call him Ozzy tho.
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google home wifi covers a 6,000 sq ft house. The 3 AP's "hand-off" to the best AP so devices don't stick to one AP and prevents two AP's from using the same channel.

The AP's themselves talk over unused 5GHz spectrum as a proprietary wireless backhaul.

With a wired network, you're stuck needing a wifi controller to properly have wifi in the house. You need multiple APs for low-powered wifi transmitters in IoT and iPhones.

with google, each AP has a two-way Ethernet bridge if you nee something wired. The controller will figure out everything else.
i remember hearing something about fancy wireless that used commercial bands for better speeds, or maybe that was just for very congested areas

the downside is that in order to use those frequencys the device had to monitor for actual commercial use and switch channels when it detected someone official transmitting

