As requested by Havax, lifting vids.


Here is a tough little yankee fucker. Taylor Atwood.
74kg class 790.5 kg

Don't give me any of that "oh Brasstax, you are so dumb. That's 3 lifts" shit either. OK. Whatever. 283KG on that last rep.

The other interesting thing about Taylor Attwood, Brasstits, is that he's 5'6" and gets called midget a lot by trolls who can't lift 30% of what he can. He just smashed the world record squat and total - 293KG and 812KG respectively. His total record is only 21KG below the total for the next weight class up. Fantastic lifting on any level.

The other guy you missed in the same weight class I lift in - 83KG, is also 5' 6", squats 700lb . FUUUCK.

Plz keep going and be sure to incorporate twisting jerking motions into your deadlift
Plz keep going and be sure to incorporate twisting jerking motions into your deadlift

Nope. He will end up home, drinking, taking meds and posting on TW. His wife will leave him for a cowboy in Montana and we will have to hear about it 24/7
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Amram are you honestly that angry at life that you want Mitch to get hurt

You've been reeeeing a lot bro are you ok?