The Dream Sequel

I know you guys think you are good now, but really its just that all the good players stopped playing so long ago. It is pretty cool people still play tribes or atleast LT. LT wasnt bad at all. Just not as fun as base.
If I popped out the west side of your base without your flag I just took a sip of iced tea and let my body get riddled with bullets. It was like skiing into a combine :eek:
I know you guys think you are good now, but really its just that all the good players stopped playing so long ago. It is pretty cool people still play tribes or atleast LT. LT wasnt bad at all. Just not as fun as base.

LT players in 2011 would much rather believe they are on a super elite level of skill that was previously unreachable, and that the concept of LT is so unbelievably difficult to grasp that no base player that spent all day every day playing and competing in Tribes for 2 years in 2000 would be able to scratch beneath the surface of it's mind bogglingly impossible concepts.