[HOW TO] Host a *dedicated* server, configure, setup webadmin

Here is a good batch file to start your server up with. Put it in your bin directory. It will time stamp when your server was started and restarts, automatically restart it, and rotates the log file out when/if it crashes. This is very similar to one I did for doom3.


REM author: Dr. Chmod
REM web: www.5assedmonkey.com
REM email: drchmod@5assedmonkey.com
REM created: 2004/08/29
REM version: 1.0

REM ------------EDIT BELOW TO FIT NEEDS--------------------------------------------------------

REM name of your server .ini config file
SET config=tribesv_mpbeta_en.ini

REM max amount of players allowed on your server
SET maxplayers=24

REM port you want to run your server on
SET port=7777

REM IP address you want this game instance on

REM name of your server log file
SET log=tribesv_mpbeta_en.log

REM name of your backup log if your server crashes
SET crashlog=tribesv_mpbeta_en_crash.log

REM directory to put your crash logs, set to '.' if you want them in the main tribesv directory
SET crashlogdir=crashlogs\

REM username of your web admin interface
SET username=Admin

REM password for the above user for the web admin interface
SET password=XXXXXX

REM ---------------DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE-------------------------------------------------

ECHO ---------------------------------------------------
ECHO \/ Status \/ Time \/ Date \/
ECHO ---------------------------------------------------
ECHO Server Started %time:~0,5% %date:~4%


Tribesv_mpbeta_en.exe mp-isle?maxplayers=%maxplayers%?AdminName=%username%?AdminPassword=%password% -server ini=%config% log=%log% port=%port% multihome=%ip%

ECHO Server Restarted %time:~0,5% %date:~4%

IF NOT EXIST %crashlogdir% MKDIR %crashlogdir%

REN %log% %date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%%date:~12%-%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%_%crashlog%
MOVE %date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%%date:~12%-%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%_%crashlog% %crashlogdir%


Forgive me if this question was answered elsewhere, but can I not connect to my own dedicated server if my client key is the same as the server's?
I can, I used the same for both my workstaion that I play from and the server at a hosting facility. (theplanet.com). I think the key is only used during the install process.
I am having an odd problem then.

I have two systems. My server is connected to my main through ICS. When I put up a server, people outside the lan can connect to it. I, however, seem to timeout when I try to join.
JumboJack said:
Anyone know how to change the time limit?

Try changing TimeLimit under:

Check under the other gametype sections.
I'm having problems with passwording my server. When I password it some people can't join. The server tells them they didn't enter the right pw. The first time I did it only 2 people were able to join and just now only 5. Is there a setting somewhere that specifies how many connections are allowed when the server is passworded? Anyone else have this problem? Any ideas are more then welcome.

Also, if there isn't a solution to this, does anyone know how to make it so the server does not show up in the server list? That way I could take it off the list and just have people join by ip.
JumboJack said:
Anyone know how to change the time limit?

I'm in your boat as well and it's stuck at 20 minutes. Here is my ini settings...
Ok, I am at my wits end here. I have been trying to get web admin to work. I can get to the page, but can never log in. All I get is the Invalid login. I even tried Dr. Chmods batch file... Still no success.

Can anyone help???
If you are using a shortcut to start the server, then change the target properties to look something like this:

"C:\YourPath\Program\Bin\tribesv_mpbeta_en.exe" MP-Emerald?maxplayers=20?AdminName=Administrator?AdminPassword=password -server

Edit AdminName and AdminPassword as you see fit
I would prefer to get it to work with the batch file.

here is a thought. Will it not work if the .ini has been edited? or does the batch over ride it?

I need the batch for restarting after crashes.
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Batch file works fine for me



The only thing I changed in that bat file is that I removed the space between the ? and Adminpassword in the serverloop...not sure if that made a difference, I just knew it didn't look right. Aside from that it works fine, and actually better than the game panel I was using cuz now I have the icons in the system tray back(not that I used them.)
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AARRGGHHH this driving me up the wall.. What name are you supposed to put in for server id??? or is it supposed to be blank?