Tribes 1.50 (no hope)


Veteran X
Veteran XX
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lol shift you think I use other accounts to neg rep you?

I asked a simple question that others are going to ask. What is different about this version?
I'm avoiding a simple question you already know the answer to because i know its eating away at your from the inside.
Basically. Now since you already know that, why did you bother to ask?

Obviously a 1.11 patch cannot connect to a 1.30 server.

So I supplied a version change that allows users to level the playing field with 1.40 so why would I name it 1.42? Like a price up on wheel of fortune? Do you take me for that kind of person?

edit: learn to edit and not double post dummy

edit2: now explain to me how 1.50 could have been pasted in if the version is not accessible by a resource hacker?
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its only cheating if I was the only one using net settings. Sorry that you're getting all butthurt about leveling the playing field.

I feel like 1.11 and 1.30 users could benefit from its use.

edit: in fact it could be a one all patch to so that users with 1.11 and 1.30 don't have to switch back and forth between patches.
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I'm updating code on the community right now to block this "patch." Sorry shift it has to be done. Can't have any dirty cheaters ruining the game for people. Everyone connecting with 1.50 will be permanently I.P. banned.
lol i don't use hm so I wouldn't know. but then again you can use hm with 1.40 and be white listed. I don't see how its any different.