The History of Late-Gen LT(2005-Present)

why does it matter when tribes "died"

what do u get out of trying to invalidate other people having fun playing the game

i'm not offended but you have to admit its pretty much just screams insecurity when you go around telling people "nope you didnt play tribes only i did"
ya..and for some reason ppl expected me to write the entire history of LT and their story as well. At that point I may as well write tribe fiction.
u wrote tribe fiction already because you titled it "the history of late gen LT" which presents the history as objective

not "stork's history of late gen LT and personal player development"

when u sit and talk about your personal relationship to nonreg for a bunch of paragraphs it reads more like a pedantic giant humble brag than anything really historical

it's cool to see how you viewed the game and community though